Sherri is a Cat
Well-Known Member
Nothing happens at all when I press Tab the second time. It stays the sameSo
Code:cd /timeshift/snapshots/ #then Tab, shows 2024-01 , press Tab again and a list will be shown, copy that list
Nothing happens at all when I press Tab the second time. It stays the sameSo
Code:cd /timeshift/snapshots/ #then Tab, shows 2024-01 , press Tab again and a list will be shown, copy that list
Exactly what you put at #533, but when it reaches the 2024-0 bit, press Tab again to get something like I posted at #534
oem@oem-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ cd /timeshift/snapshots/
and then repeat the exerciseoem@oem-Lenovo-G50-70:~$
oem@oem-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ cd /timeshift/snapshots/2024-0
2024-01-29_18-31-11/ 2024-01-31_14-33-16/ 2024-02-02_17-29-15/
2024-01-29_22-03-09/ 2024-02-01_01-00-02/ 2024-02-03_01-00-01/
2024-01-30_18-55-35/ 2024-02-01_19-25-24/ 2024-02-04_01-00-01/
2024-01-30_23-00-02/ 2024-02-02_01-00-01/
oem@oem-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ cd /timeshift/snapshots/2024-0
bash: cd: /timeshift/snapshots/2024-0: No such file or directory
oem@oem-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ cd
I think I'm just tired. I looked back through all the commands. Normally I wouldn't have a problem putting it all together. Being tired makes it harder and I get confused.Just backspace the cd to remove it and you can Exit Terminal, and you're done for now.
I have to do a few things, and I'll try to leave correct and correct instructions for examining the size of a couple of those snapshots.
Brings joy to my heart, to see the 'light' go on in someones' head.That's amazing! I can see my monitor, HDMI connection with resolution (you probably can even tell that it's a high speed HDMI and my monitor won't work with an older one)
My phone, it's a Samsung, it's tethered, not using a wifi hotspot, and debugging enabled.
My keyboard and mouse are wireless, Logitech....
This is incredible!
What amazes me even more is that I know what some of this is! Wow! I'm blown away!
I found several years ago that it did no good to tax my brain when I was very tired. The old brain refused to retain anything I tried to put in it.I think I'm just tired. I looked back through all the commands. Normally I wouldn't have a problem putting it all together. Being tired makes it harder and I get confused.
2024-01-29_18-31-11/ 2024-01-31_14-33-16/ 2024-02-02_17-29-15/ 2024-01-29_22-03-09/ 2024-02-01_01-00-02/ 2024-02-03_01-00-01/ 2024-01-30_18-55-35/ 2024-02-01_19-25-24/ 2024-02-04_01-00-01/ 2024-01-30_23-00-02/ 2024-02-02_01-00-01/
du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-29_18-31-11/
du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-29_22-03-09/
du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-30_18-55-35/
du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-30_23-00-02/
du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-02-03_01-00-01/
I missed this in notifications. I'm starting on it now.The part I was most looking for is the following, which in fact is a table
From where you first posted it, at #550, it can be read following the arrows
If you would oblige me, I would like you to run a "du -ah" on just a few of these - that's the command that spools out a lot of output, and leaves you on completion a figure in G's at bottom left.
So the commands for these are as follows
1.Code:du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-29_18-31-11/
2.Code:du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-29_22-03-09/
3.Code:du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-30_18-55-35/
4.Code:du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-01-30_23-00-02/
5.Code:du -ah /timeshift/snapshots/2024-02-03_01-00-01/
No hurry for these, when it suits, and if you can just number the results, and I am only interested in the gigabyte/megabyte figures, so it may resemble the following
1. 8G
2. 4G
3. 8G
4. 500M
5. 1G