The latest is LTS or normal release (Ubuntu)?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2024
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I like to be on the newer side and don't mind updating like every 9 months or whatever that time period is, so I should be looking at the normal release, right? When I go to download Ubuntu, they mainly show and recommend be to download the latest 24.04 LTS version. The latest non LTS version seems to be 23.10. So if I choose 23.10, I won't be choosing like an older version of Ubuntu or anything like that, right?

Ubuntu 23.10 is the 2023-October release, which came with 9 months of supported life, so you'll need to release-upgrade to 24.04 soon anyway.

I can't think of any reason for installing 23.10 now... I'm expecting to post a warning of its demise soon anyway (it gets posted ~six weeks prior to EOL, and that is approaching rather soon..).

FYI: I wanted to install 23.10 on a box six months ago, as I expect that install to survive for many years, and thus wanted a LTS with long life... My reasoning back then, was that 23.10 will allow the smoothest upgrade to 24.04 when its open, so six months ago installed 23.10 made sense. I sure wouldn't install 23.10 now.

ps: If you do install 23.10... you'll need to use this link very soon anyway, so I'll provide it - :)
Ubuntu 23.10 is the 2023-October release, which came with 9 months of supported life, so you'll need to release-upgrade to 24.04 soon anyway.

I can't think of any reason for installing 23.10 now... I'm expecting to post a warning of its demise soon anyway (it gets posted ~six weeks prior to EOL, and that is approaching rather soon..).

FYI: I wanted to install 23.10 on a box six months ago, as I expect that install to survive for many years, and thus wanted a LTS with long life... My reasoning back then, was that 23.10 will allow the smoothest upgrade to 24.04 when its open, so six months ago installed 23.10 made sense. I sure wouldn't install 23.10 now.

ps: If you do install 23.10... you'll need to use this link very soon anyway, so I'll provide it - :)
I am not choosing 23.10 because of preferences. I am genuinely confused. So if support for 23.10 ends, I have to switch to the LTS line-up? So there won't be another normal release following 23.10 for me to upgrade to?

Well ya if you see that 23.10 released in October and has a life span of 9 months till July 24, then there will be 2 months of emptiness for the next release in October?? I have no idea how the release cycle works.
Ubuntu has announced that 24.10 will be released on Oct. 10th 2024. 24.04 is the LTS release but you can go from LTS to regular when it is released in OCT. Ubuntu's release cycle stays about the same for each release they release an new updated version in April and Oct. each year. The April one is designated LTS every two years. But it's just a regular release but given extended support life. So you will be fine with it until 24.10 is released in OCT. Enjoy!
Ubuntu has a full two year development cycle, which ends with the release of the LTS system.

The full development cycle that concluded with the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, started just after the release of the prior LTS (ie. end of April 2022 after Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was released).

During that two year development cycle, it was broken down into four six month cycles, with a stable release showing the progress. Those interim or stable snapshots of where development was up to were viewed by using

  • Ubuntu 22.10 (2022-October snapshot released as a stable system)
  • Ubuntu 23.04 (2023-April snapshot released as a stable system)
  • Ubuntu 23.10 (2023-October snapshot released as a stable system).
  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS or the final result of that two year development cycle.

If you used any interim release, the only release-upgrade path you have is to the next release; ie. 22.10->23.04->23.10-.24.04 LTS.

When at the final release of a cycle (ie. 24.04 LTS), you have the choice of staying on that LTS, or upgrading to the next release, which will be first interim release showing progress towards Ubuntu 26.04 LTS (ie. I'm talking about Ubuntu 24.10).

If you stay on the LTS, you can stay there, and eventually release-upgrade to the next LTS or final result of next cycle, after release of Ubuntu 26.04.1 due in mid August 2026.

As stated, installing 23.10 to me makes no sense, given it's purpose as I've outlined, was to show progress towards 24.04 that you can install now! When you're at 24.04, you can stay on the LTS release, or release-upgrade in time to next cycle & use 24.04 only for six months - it's your choice.
I went down the road of chasing interim releases a few years back, in the end I stuck with the LTS version and kept it updated, there was little difference as far as I can remember in the performance, and no messing to update the interim release every year,

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