Studio 13.37...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
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Now then, guys...

For anyone who may have wanted to take a look at Puppy member 10wt3ch's magical Puppy DAW, Studio on.

Originally built around an older 'Slacko' Puppy - based on Slackware 13.37, natch - it's had something of a chequered history with regards to availability. For a long time, it had its own web-site, and 10wt3ch basically sold it for a small fee; what you got was a USB drive with Studio 13.37 pre-installed. At times, as each version became 'old-hat' (being superseded by the next, newer version), links would be posted on the Puppy Forum where you could download it for free.

Whether 10wt3ch is developing it any further, nobody knows. But the current version - 3.3 - is built around Bionicpup64. The website has disappeared. And - after the links were up for about a month - so has the free download.

Nobody has a clue what's happening with Studio 13.37. But one thing remains for certain; it's one of the most comprehensive DAWs that anybody has ever seen. The sheer amount of multimedia software 10wt3ch included, OOTB, was punches pulled.


I've archived a copy to my Google Drive a/c. So, if anybody should be interested in having a DAW-on-a-stick - totally 'portable' - the download link is as follows:-

Hope some of y'all may find it useful. Enjoy.

Mike. ;)

I may have to test that. I'm more or less retired, but even while gainfully employed in a real job I still performed for the love and experiences. I record quite a bit, but I'm a fairly simple man.

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