Six Charged in Mass Takedown of DDoS-for-Hire Sites


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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Could this be an interesting outcome for

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) today seized four-dozen domains that sold “booter” or “stresser” services — businesses that make it easy and cheap for even non-technical users to launch powerful Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks designed knock targets offline. The DOJ also charged six U.S. men with computer crimes related to their alleged ownership of the popular DDoS-for-hire services.

Could this be an interesting outcome for

Probably not all that much of an impact. There are a whole lot more than a half dozen of these services.

There was a massive disruption when a proxy provider went down, but that has been replaced and a few new 'companies' have stepped into the market.

This? This isn't gonna be much more than a drop in the proverbial bucket. Hit up TOR and find your favorite black hat forum and you'll find these services openly promoted. There's so many of them that the price has dropped a great deal. It's still expensive-ish, but it's a lot less than it used to be. (Instead of four or five figures, depending on the traffic ordered, it's in the 3 to 4 figures the last time I checked.)
It is a start :)

But as KGIII said most likely won't make a big difference.
Could we be so lucky that one of the taken down domains was the one annoying us ?

Here's hoping ! I am forever the optimist. Onward and Upward !

If your 'meter' shows us having a serious uptick in our time undisturbed, then we have had a win.
If your 'meter' shows us having a serious uptick in our time undisturbed, then we have had a win.

I think you'll find that they've had their fun. The uptime is consistent, with just short outages.

I don't know what CF is seeing, 'cause I don't have access to that, but we appear to be reasonably unmolested at the moment.

I'm reminded of the signs in PCB, FL. "Do not molest the manatee/seals/dolphins!"
Here's hoping they get that message....loud and clear.
Here's hoping they get that message....loud and clear.

I like your optimism!

Lemme show you my pessimism...

Maybe those drug dealers will get the message.

I figure it's similar in a few ways. It's an illegal act that makes money for those willing to provide the service. Given that this is the US, the penalties might be remarkably similar. People keep smuggling drugs, 'cause they're either desperate or they like the money. People will still provide DDoS as a service because they're either desperate or they like the money.

Damn... I really am cynical today.

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