repository alternative to github


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2019
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From time to time I dabble in a bit of coding and just like google drive , github was a good a place as any to store it. That way I could, in case of hard drive going bad and no other back ups at least pick up from where i left off.

Github was Ok , at least it was free . I didn't like the idea when Microsoft took it over; i've had a quick look at gitlab and they are talking about a free trial lasting 30 days. I don't fancy shelling out to place code that potentially nobody forks nor uses.

Any suggestions ; first FREE to use & then simplicity of use as alternatives to github for those that have put their code product developed on Linux (of course) to a public repo ?

While I haven't actually used it yet, I've looked into F-Droid, and it seems like a repo I would use in the future, based on what their website says. Be aware that it's only for Android.
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For my personal repositories I use
I'm blown away that sourceforge even still exists. I use Github and haven't found a reason to switch yet, but I used BitBucket before then and before them. Though Atlassian can be maddening to deal with sometimes. Rocks move through the desert faster than Atlassian support does. Good luck if you're on a free account. (Not sure if BitBucket still overs free accounts though)
@f33dm3bits re: git they have github integration @dcbrown73 yep still going

I'm doing some final tweaking to a very light web blog system which is on top of codeigniter4 . The previous issues were limited upload. github has now introduced tokens

Since what i intend to upload is written on top of Ci4 , then obviously some CI4 will have to be partly uploaded .my effort is mostly controller and model code , sqlite3 file grunt.js and other bits.

I can take out "vendor" and then those that download will just run "composer install" to put back vendor from my composer.json file

So actually it suits me just to zip up the whole trimmed web project dir from apache , which it seems source forge allows.
I used to use SourceForge quite a bit. I'm pretty sure Bizx owns it now, acquired when they bought Slashdot a few years ago.
but so far SourceForge working very well

Yeah, I didn't stop using SF because they were bad. I stopped using them because I stopped coding.

There was a ton of drama on /. at the time and the submission types that got approved trended differently, so I seldom participate there these days. It's a damned shame.
well github is a pain tokens now, instead of password. I don't bother if its too tedious

But l you know i have a theory - Red Wine for Cholesterol ; same idea coding and learn a language to ward of dementia . So really i code for medicinal reasons !
So really i code for medicinal reasons !

I'm old, so I make it a point to continue keeping my brain engaged. I constantly seek new knowledge. I don't do it as much lately, but I was reviewing papers for a mathematics journal. That was fun for a while and a reminder of my earliest days out of academia.
I’ve been using‘s free, gogs-based git hosting for the last few years!
thanks i've gone for notabug to host dev changes and sourceforge to just have download of releases as and when. Notabug works great and no "tokens " or other extra new learning curve thank god unlike github !
I'm old, so I make it a point to continue keeping my brain engaged. I constantly seek new knowledge. I don't do it as much lately, but I was reviewing papers for a mathematics journal. That was fun for a while and a reminder of my earliest days out of academia.
i thought you were the same age as me and i'm not old. Unless its true what the psychologists say- your only as old as you think you are ? this lady's still doing some "heavy lifting" at 100 :
i thought you were the same age as me and i'm not old.

If you're my age, you're old. You might be in denial, but you're old. I'm 63. I've been old for a few years now.

I still play and have fun, but I'm old. Statistically speaking, I've got less than 20 years left. That's old.

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