Report error that occurs during startup


Active Member
May 24, 2022
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Sometimes an error occurs during system startup and then a window pops up saying "an error occurred. Do you want to report it? Yes or No".
When this occurs and I choose to report it, how is the message sent, where is it sent to and what happens as a result of me sending the message?

That depends on the distro.

It's usually sent as a report to the distro's developers, along with the debug information. This information won't contain any really important data. It's sent over TCP/IP, with no special connection, just like a regular bug report filed on the system itself. They may share this information with the developer of the software.

It's not going to contain any real information that you wouldn't have sent had you just filed a bug online. There will be an IP address associated with it because that's just how these things work. No, it's not going to be used to track you or anything.
it probably gets sent to github via a notification.

Not a may even turn out to useful.

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