Proton or not Proton.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2022
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I'm making this because i don't use proton i use wine for my steam games. It's a slow process, but i have 100% control over the environment, and i can easily use winetricks or wine program.exe to install whatever i need. Where in proton, for those games that require extra tweaking can be a pain in the ass, those games are few. Still, enough to i always want to hang myself every time i have to deal with it. Two games that come to mind are resident evil revelations that need wmp9 and BLUE REFLECTION that require you to edit the dxvk.conf and install MF. And it is so much pain in proton since on some OS like ubuntu and popos steam make those prefix folders, so you can't always install in them. You just get Permission Denied. It took me two days to get BLUE REFLECTION on proton, but that was mainly because the info about installing MF was so bad i had to trail and error me through it.

That's why i use wine. It's so much easier to get the games to work, and yes, it takes a long time to set it up if you do like me that every game has its own wine folder, but i would rather do that and know the game works 100% of the time.

What about you? Why do you use what you use, and have you had any problem with proton that just pisses you off.

PS. here are the 2 guide i made how to install those two games.

How to get resident evil revelations 1 and 2 to work on steam or wine.

How to get BLUE REFLECTION to work
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I use wine.
When I first started with Linux gaming I tried vanilla wine but back then I found it too much effort getting something to work and to keep it organized, I was also still a noob at Linux then so I was still learning. A short while later I found Crossover which I grew to like and used to that to run my games. I eventually came across PlayOnLinux and Lutris, then I found Crossover a better experience so I had already gotten a license for it to help support the development since Codeweavers also support the wine project. Later when Proton was released I switched to Proton because it made things even easier.

Fun fact Proton was developed by Valve and Codeweavers. Currently I mostly buy Steam games to help support the development of gaming on Linux so Valve uses some of the money I spend on Linux gaming development, I like having all my games in one place instead of having 3 different places where I have to keep track of my games. So GOG games don't interest me, a lot of games eventually end up in the Steam store and I recently bought an Xbox One for gaming from the couch which has been a new gaming experience for me.
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Later when Proton was released I switched to Proton because it made things even easier.

Proton makes it easier until it, not.
try to install (Residen evil Revolution 1-2) and (BLUE REFLECTION)
as named above in Proton, it can be a pain in the ass, and it's not only those games i have fought getting working.
And even without that, then some games don't work with every version of Proton, and sometimes the prefix fuck up, and you need to go in and delete the folder, so Proton is not all that easy to use as people think. It's easier, sure, but it can also be a lot harder in some cases.
I don't have any trouble with any of my games so I never went looking for other ways getting them to run. "Don't fix what ain't broke." If I did I would have probably looked for another solution to have got them working, that's the awesome thing about Linux, there are many different solutions to choose from if one doesn't work for you or fit your workflow. Currently I find that the console offers a better gaming experience as in most games offer a better experience with a controller, the only games I cannot play on a console are first person-shooters.
Currently I mostly buy Steam games to help support the development of gaming on Linux so Valve uses some of the money I spend on Linux gaming development, I like having all my games in one place instead of having 3 different places where I have to keep track of my games. So GOG games don't interest me, a lot of games eventually end up in the Steam store and I recently bought an Xbox One for gaming from the couch which has been a new gaming experience for me.

I also spend a lot of money on supporting games, but that doesn't matter if it is Windows or Linux.
On kickstart alone, i have helped Backed 31 games over the last idk four years or so.
games like
Break! The Rematch Part 1 and 2
My Summer in Tokyo
Lives so Sweet
Corven - Path of Redemption
Grand Guild
The Angel Inn
Noble Love 2

Mostly VNG since what i played most at the time.

I don't have any trouble with any of my games so I never went looking for other ways getting them to run. "Don't fix what ain't broke." If I did I would have probably looked for another solution to have got them working, that's the awesome thing about Linux, there are many different solutions to choose from if one doesn't work for you or fit your workflow.

I'm sure you have lots to contribute to this topic, please join and share the games you play. :)

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