Post screenshots of the games you play on GNU/Linux


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Dec 11, 2019
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I just purchased Cyberpunk 2077 this weekend, so I thought I would share these.


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Doom Eternal


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Videos are fine too, as long as you created them yourself. Thanks for sharing! :)
And finally - a game that is "borked" in SteamDB. :D :D
Seems the status changed now. How did you get that game running when the status was "borked" in ProtonDB?
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Videos are fine too, as long as you created them yourself. Thanks for sharing! :)

Seems the status changed now. How did you get that game running when the status was "borked" in ProtonDB?
Easy. Simply raised ulimits and then installed the 2010 redistributables required by the game and placed the x86 DXVK library (d3d11 & dxgi) in the game dir. The game was impossible to run with Proton bc Proton is set to look for these libraries elsewhere.
The status may have changed now but the point is that I played this game on Linux a whole year before Steam made it playable. :D I'll try it with Proton to see how it's going, though I have a feeling DXVK will do better.
Crossfire, not one of those newfangled games....
Screenshot at 2021-11-08 17-56-35.png
Never tried games on Linux, only play games on Xbox. But I might try some out.
I had a little dude come over and use one of my computers. So, I've had SuperTuxKart played on one of my computers.
how about the Games menu?
Oh! He's got a snowmobile! I've only been out twice this year (I'm almost never here during the mornings 'cause I have toys to play with) and we don't have a ton of snow this year. But, snowmobiles are a great deal of fun.
Just a remind for myself to post some new screenshots soon.

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