I play online poker too and unfortunately most poker clients won't work on Linux, the only one I managed to get working using wine was Poker Stars but I don't play there anymore. You might try playing using the flash client right from the browser https://www.888poker.com/ click on instant play and if you're lucky you could start playing, if you receive some message like ooops! browser not supported or something like that then you'll need to install some user agent switcher plugin in your browser https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...-for-c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg?hl=en for chrome/chromium and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher-revived/ for firefox. This one https://poker.tigergaming.com/ works just fine and site's quite good. There are many other sites you can "instant-play" but no desktop client since almost every single one is a .exe file. Guess they don't think Linux users have money to play Poker lol Also, you could create a Windows virtual machine using virtualbox and install the poker clients there, I do that too and it works better than using wine or play on Linux.online poker is only available on android but someone said to download linux..can i download poker on linux???
A thailand gambling website? Though related, gambling and poker are not the same thing, but guess that's another topic for another forum.Hey, there are a lot of websites, where you can actually gamble using a Linux. Personally I play on clubvip777.com , and everything works fine. There were some problems, but the website programmers have changed settings and now everything works fine, without interruptions, and it is just the same thing as on other platforms. Hope you will manage to fix your problem, and you will play soon.
Via web browser? Yes and no. Poker 888 used to work this way but it doesn't anymore, I get "ooops! We don't support this device" or something like that. Most installers are either .exe or .dmg no .deb nor .rpm not even a .tar.gz and most of the .exe won't work in wine, if you want to "play poker in Linux" you need to:Online poker is now available on a variety of operating systems, but you need to understand that there are many scams in online poker, so you need to be very careful about where you play.
Well, "lots of options" might not be the best/most accurate choice of words. There are a few options, and I mean a very few; play on the browser (some sites will work, others won't), use something like pokerth https://sourceforge.net/projects/pokerth/ (hasn't been updated since 2017) you can set a LAN party with some friends and play (honestly tho, I've never used it), and finally, you can try your luck with wine https://www.winehq.org/search?q=poker take a look at that list, and you'll see most (if not all) poker clients crash, don't work. The only one I got working on wine was poker starts, but I don't play there anymore. So there you have it. My advice, want to play poker? Use windows; either on a VM, by dual booting or on a different pc. Or, you can also use a mac (they build pkgs to run in the Apple OS).Android is linux, but if you are looking for ways to play poker on linux desktop you'll find lots of options. The newest version of wine may even be able to run those real-money poker clients.
There are plenty of places to play browser poker and android poker, but you are probably right about practically nothing being available for linux users in terms of a downloadable client. Several years ago, there was this site where you could play poker and win money in tournaments without putting money in (the payouts were from ad money)...ive completely forgotten what its called, but i would bet there are large amounts of non-client based poker games online. We haven't even brought up what type of poker exactly.Well, "lots of options" might not be the best/most accurate choice of words. There are a few options, and I mean a very few; play on the browser (some sites will work, others won't), use something like pokerth https://sourceforge.net/projects/pokerth/ (hasn't been updated since 2017) you can set a LAN party with some friends and play (honestly tho, I've never used it), and finally, you can try your luck with wine https://www.winehq.org/search?q=poker take a look at that list, and you'll see most (if not all) poker clients crash, don't work. The only one I got working on wine was poker starts, but I don't play there anymore. So there you have it. My advice, want to play poker? Use windows; either on a VM, by dual booting or on a different pc. Or, you can also use a mac (they build pkgs to run in the Apple OS).
So its a virtual machine?I have had this link for a while but not got round to testing it yet, you are supposed to be able to run any android version and app in an isolated container