MS SUCKS....or why won't it stop


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
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So Wed morning shutting down the desktop, had the Update and shutdown option. Okay fine. After having done Netplwiz to sign onto 10 without password, now need it again. Also turning on the new PC had a 3/4 blue box with we need to finish setting up your device. Wanted to "sync" Edge with all my devices and contacts... also new was Meet With, which was now on the taskbar, had to get rid of that.

Today however I heard the MS and Adobe and Intel want to track embedded digital info from all digital files on the Web. Take a pic with your phone upload to wherever and it has all the info of where it came form and where it went. Adobe said it is a feature that can be turned off. MS did not answer the ?

If you have say a PDF that has MS annoyances and MS does not like it, they can algorithm it right off the web. From its original source. Cancel culture, or gov tracking. How many gov's would love that info???

Linux and VPN's are the way for now.

Unless you turned it off, your phone already does that - even many DSLR camera insert GPS data (and a lot more). It's in the EXIF data. (Yup, that's my site.)

Documents created in Word have your data. Same with LibreOffice if you have it set to do so - and I think it is by that way from default.

Everything has meta data attached to it.
Everything has meta data attached to it.

Yeah but now they want to start using it to "keep up safe" to "ensure" "truth". It can be used to lock out "fake memes, pics and video and is all about politics. What the powers that be deem true.

Years ago in Poland there was anti communist radio broadcasts. They had about 10 minutes on air, then shut it off and move. France during Nazi occupation. Hong Kong right now. Too many companies willing to "help" track down. Like ESG or China's Social Credits. Seems like way too much "control"
Like all of these "it can be a good thing" it quickly goes the other direction.

Linux is about us controlling what we want. Let us do our thing.
Charlie Cole who has died. Photographed the Tiananmen Square "Tank Man" he saw Chinese watching him from across the street, he removed the film hid it in the toilet and loaded a roll he shot the night before. Moments later Officials broke thru his door. They took the film in is camera and made him sign a confession that he took pictures during Martial Law. With Meta data able to be tracked back to the source and using a digital camera or phone. It would not have gone the same way. "Tank Man" would have been found.

Edwin Black's book IBM and the Holocaust, is an example of Tech getting in bed with gov. Punch card tech helped Nazi's, made it so much easier. It still would have happened without the data, but at a slower pace.
Tech getting in bed with gov
Actually @Mike13Foxtrot they have been in bed with the government for bloody donkey years so nothing has changed or is new. Corporations just handed a new tool to to them that they developed themselves to track you for other reasons.
Corporations just handed a new tool to to them that they developed themselves to track you for other reasons.

Nothing new old Ma Bell was given permission only "IF" they would put in place the ability to tap phones. Speaking of, we are all still paying a tax on every phone bill to pay for the Spanish/American War. Rep in congress have tried over and over to get rid of it.....

The problem is the next new tools even would allow them to track original source VPN or not.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson.

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