Lenova Ideapad 3 Slim Keyboard


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Jul 28, 2023
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Does anyone have experience of Linux on a Lenova Ideapad 3?

Because Lenovas tech. support response to a keyboard and touchpad not working is...

"Unfortunately, we do not support Linux operating system and as such this device was not intended for the mentioned operating system.

We can offer assistance in regard to the Windows Operating system which was intended for use on said device.

Please install Windows 11 and check to see if the issue persists. "

So, download 15 gigabytes, install MS windows to check keyboard then we can talk about warranty...

One gets the impression...

Of course. Tried the latest PopOs, PCLInuxOS and Manjaro.

Installed Manjaro and updated the system twice. Did it using an external keyboard and mouse. Also had to add a hub given the lack of ports for trouble-shooting.

There are few things simpler than a keyboard. It's not a WiFi adaptor!
on distributions that use systemd, you could check system journal messages about the keyboard and touchpad with a command like

journalctl -b | grep -iE '8042|keyboard|touch'

if the distribution uses X instead of wayland, input device setup usually ends up in /var/log/Xorg.#.log where 0 is usually the present boot session.
On some distros (like some debian and debian based releases) the most current Xorg.0.log file is at /home/<user>/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log. Note the dates here:
[flip@flop ~]$ ls -al /var/log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17K Mar 17  2022 Xorg.0.log

[flip@flop ~]$ ls -al /home/flip/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 flip flip 36K Jul 29 07:58 Xorg.0.log

It's probably worth mentioning that there's a lenovo linux discussion list which may be helpful here:
Nice tips. The i8042 is seen (the intel chip controls the inbuilt keyboard via a PS2 interface) but nothing is connected to it.

It's looking more and more like faulty hardware.
First thing to try is purge the system and do a full re-start

save all work. Press and hold the power button down for 60 seconds, release and re-start the laptop [this often clears some loop problems]
Done that already. A couple of times. Lenovas only tip apart from installing windows.

So, where can I find a new laptop without windows preinstalled (and not lenova)?
I have seen MALIBAL in advertisements in these forums occasionally (I have been a lurker for a while...), but I have no personal experience with them.

I just use an off-the-shelf HP Laptop that I purchased locally (hardware availability here is... lacking).
So, where can I find a new laptop without windows preinstalled (and not lenova)?
You will find it difficult to find one without windows
Lenovo is one of the makes that is usually very |Linux friendly, the other is Dell, but most makes will run Linux , but may need some tweaking.
If you're not a gamer, don't waste money on a cutting edge new machine, they often have driver problems [it takes around 6 months for the boys and girls who back engineer the drivers to catch up, and it could be a further 6-9 months for them to make it into the distribution.]
If you can run Linux on your ideal pad, run from the terminal inxi -Fnxxz and copy/paste back the results, it may help us to determine what may be wrong and come up with more ideas.
inxi is cool but doesn't give th information I'm looking for.

Using journalctl -b | grep -iE '8042|keyboard|touch'

one can see the difference between a laptop that sees its keyboard and on that doesn't:

Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: i8042: Detected active multiplexing controller, rev 1.1
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: serio: i8042 AUX0 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: serio: i8042 AUX1 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: serio: i8042 AUX2 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: serio: i8042 AUX3 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
Aug 03 08:56:35 not lenova kernel: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input3
Aug 03 08:56:43 not lenova kernel: toshiba_acpi: Supported laptop features: touchpad special-function-keys cooling-method
Aug 03 08:56:43 not lenova kernel: psmouse serio2: synaptics: Touchpad model: 1, fw: 7.2, id: 0x1c0b1, caps: 0xd04731/0xa40000/0xa0000/0x0, board id: 0, fw id: 582762
Aug 03 08:56:43 not lenova kernel: input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio2/input/input11
Aug 03 08:56:44 not lenova systemd-logind[583]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event3 (AT Translated Set 2 keyboard)
Aug 03 08:57:13 not lenova sddm-greeter[1003]: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/components/VirtualKeyboard.qml:12:1: Type InputPanel unavailable
Aug 03 08:57:13 not lenova sddm-greeter[1003]: qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/InputPanel.qml:138:5: Type Keyboard unavailable
Aug 03 08:57:13 not lenova sddm-greeter[1003]: qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/components/Keyboard.qml:38:1: module "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins" is not installed
Aug 03 09:05:38 not lenova kcminit_startup[1143]: Initializing "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_touchpad.so"
Aug 03 09:05:38 not lenova kcminit_startup[1143]: kcm_touchpad: Using X11 backend
Aug 03 09:05:41 not lenova kded5[1180]: kcm_touchpad: Using X11 backend
Aug 03 09:59:09 not lenova kcminit[2868]: Initializing "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_touchpad.so"
Aug 03 09:59:09 not lenova kcminit[2868]: kcm_touchpad: Using X11 backend
Aug 03 09:59:28 not lenova kcminit[2905]: Initializing "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_touchpad.so"
Aug 03 09:59:28 not lenova kcminit[2905]: kcm_touchpad: Using X11 backend
Aug 03 09:59:38 not lenova kcminit[2948]: Initializing "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_touchpad.so"
Aug 03 09:59:38 not lenova kcminit[2948]: kcm_touchpad: Using X11 backend


Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.4-x86_64 root=UUID=fb64fcea-2b5d-44bb-8f53-c62a515d6ae8 rw quiet splash udev.log_priority=3 i8042.direct i8042.dumbkbd
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.4-x86_64 root=UUID=fb64fcea-2b5d-44bb-8f53-c62a515d6ae8 rw quiet splash udev.log_priority=3 i8042.direct i8042.dumbkbd
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:KBC0] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 appears to have AUX port disabled, if this is incorrect please boot with i8042.nopnp
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: input: AT Raw Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input2

everything else works:

inxi -b

Host: ME Kernel: 6.4.6-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE Plasma
v: 5.27.6 Distro: Manjaro Linux
Type: Laptop System: LENOVO product: 82XQ v: IdeaPad Slim 3 15AMN8
serial: <superuser required>
Mobo: LENOVO model: LNVNB161216 v: NO DPK serial: <superuser required>
UEFI: LENOVO v: L1CN28WW date: 03/03/2023
ID-1: BAT0 charge: 41.1 Wh (83.5%) condition: 49.2/47.0 Wh (104.7%)
Info: quad core AMD Ryzen 3 7320U with Radeon Graphics [MT MCP] speed (MHz):
avg: 1196 min/max: 900/6375
Device-1: AMD Mendocino driver: amdgpu v: kernel
Device-2: Luxvisions Innotech Integrated Camera driver: uvcvideo type: USB
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.8 with: Xwayland v: 23.1.2 driver: X:
loaded: amdgpu unloaded: modesetting dri: radeonsi gpu: amdgpu
s-res: 1920x1080 resolution: 1920x1080
API: OpenGL v: 4.6 Mesa 23.0.4 renderer: AMD Radeon Graphics (gfx1036
LLVM 15.0.7 DRM 3.52 6.4.6-1-MANJARO)
Device-1: Realtek RTL8822CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
driver: rtw_8822ce
Local Storage: total: 252.93 GiB used: 32.66 GiB (12.9%)
Processes: 241 Uptime: 1h 15m Memory: total: 6 GiB available: 5.61 GiB
used: 2.03 GiB (36.1%) Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.28
do you have xserver-xorg installed? [often the problem with Debian/Ubuntu based distributions may be the same for arch]

for debian/ ubuntu sudo apt update && apt install xserver-xorg-input-all [and re-boot]

sorry not familia with arch package installation
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Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 appears to have AUX port disabled, if this is incorrect please boot with i8042.nopnp
i see you have some other i8042 kernel parameters set.
Aug 03 09:16:53 ideapad 3 slim kernel: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.4-x86_64 root=UUID=fb64fcea-2b5d-44bb-8f53-c62a515d6ae8 rw quiet splash udev.log_priority=3 i8042.direct i8042.dumbkbd
did you try i8042.nopnp as suggested in the aux message? you may have come across this list to get the other parameters you used: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html

i8042.debug seems like it also might be worth a try to see if you can get any more info about what the problem might be.
Tried that and other while trouble-shooting.

It's definitely a hardware defect. Lenova sent me a faulty laptop from China and refuse to respect the warranty.

Their answer to everything is download 15Gb and install windows to confirm keyboard is faulty.

Or maybe they want the world to believe they designed a laptop where everything works on 3 different Linux distros (PopOS, PClinuxOS and Manjaro) EXCEPT the keyboard!

Everywhere I look lenova has a bad rep.

So now I've now got to look for a bigger desk for my not very laptopish laptop or look for a new laptop.
@Brickwizard is in the 'ball-park' here. TBH, for messing around with Linux you really want to look no further than one of the millions of refurbished machines that are freely available from thousands of different re-sellers. There's a ton of decently-spec'd laptops & desktop rigs out there, often at very reasonable prices, too.

The trouble with new machines is that invariably they come with Windows. Well, that's fine - if ya want Redmond's monstrosity! - but of course, such machines usually have up-to-date drivers available right from the date of first release. As you doubtless know, all drivers (with very few exceptions, usually wi-fi & GPUs) come ready to go in the Linux kernel. However, the boys & girls at kernel.org don't get any tech help from hardware vendors, who've all been seduced by Microsoft into doing things their way.....through the usual series of shady, under-the-counter tactics they've been employing for years.

Thus, it takes a while for new hardware drivers to make it into the kernel (and then into distros), since everything has to be 'reverse-engineered' from its Windows counterpart.......and that takes TIME; typically, anywhere from 6 months to a year. Buying brand new hardware for immediate use with Linux is generally - for this very reason! - what's known as a BAD IDEA.

Of course, nobody tells you this.......most folks don't even know.


Mike. ;)
There are no words to describe lenova customer support. Lenovas own website show this model of laptop to be Linux compatible. No keyboard issues. There are now two entries in the Linux hardware database with Fedora and no problems.

I even sent the laptop back to lenova. They 'pretended' to check it and found no problems.

Now I'm considering getting another laptop(not lenova) and selling the lenova at a large discount (since the warrenty is worthless)

You have been a real laugh Amir. I suggest a career in Tiddly Wink tech support.

Kind regards,

Lenovo Technology UK Ltd
Redwood 3
Chineham Business Park
Crockford Lane
RG24 8WQ
Web: https://support.lenovo.com
It's definitely a hardware defect. Lenova sent me a faulty laptop from China and refuse to respect the warranty.

It might be worth mentioning that i have Lenovo Yoga duet 7 and Linux also ignores its keyboard but under preinstalled Windows keyboard works just fine. Point is, it might not be faulty hw.
(I have not found solution just yet.)
Hello. I had the same hardware issues and same Lenovo machine. In the end I ended up with windows 11.. zero problems now.
