I'm not from the technology area, I'm a history teacher in Brazil, but I'd like to use a stable, security and free OS as Debian, mainly to learn to use bash and beginning to write some scripts to automatization of my stuffs and tasks of school job.
My instalation option had been dual-boot, by USB, and something wrong happend at the end of the process, maybe with the grub, because although I've finished the instalation, when I start the PC a supposed window with the option Debian/Windows does not appear.
Is there a way to repair it or I can simply restart the instaling process?
My instalation option had been dual-boot, by USB, and something wrong happend at the end of the process, maybe with the grub, because although I've finished the instalation, when I start the PC a supposed window with the option Debian/Windows does not appear.
Is there a way to repair it or I can simply restart the instaling process?
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