@VanillaCoffee :-
Sorry to be a while getting to you! As mentioned earlier, it's the "time-zone" thing.
Lord Boltar is quite right. 'Wee', etc, indicates this is purely a Grub4DOS bootloader issue, nothing more. It's easily fixable, but not one I've encountered for some time, so I'll need to research this one in the Puppy archives. I'll ask you to bear with me on this one, and will get back to you as soon as I can.
Um; now then. Where did you get the idea that Puppy is not a "full" distro?
Lots of people get thrown by this. Because Puppy is installed in "frugal" mode - the recommended method, BTW - folks get the idea that it's some kind of stripped-back, 'poor-man's' version of Puppy, and not the "real deal". Nothing could be further from the truth.
"Frugal" refers to the fact that Puppy is - and always has been - 'frugal' (read 'careful') with the amount of space it consumes. The entire thing loads into a virtual RAMdisk at boot, from just three or four highly-compressed, 'read-only' files.....instead of having the entire file-system written-out in full, occupying a whole partition. (Puppy will run from a sub-directory within a partition, since our modified version of Grub4DOS searches TWO layers deep to find a 'bootable' kernel.)
At close of session, any changes made are written to what's called the 'save-folder'. At the next boot, these changes are layered back into the read-only stuff in RAM using Puppy's AUFS-layered file-system. As far as you, the user, are concerned, this all just shows as a normal file-system layout. You don't need to concern yourself with this stuff, but I just wanted to give a brief explanation.
I currently run 14 Puppies, each running from a dedicated sub-directory, all situated on the same single partition. These are located on partition sda2 of a 1 TB Crucial MX-500 SSD.
Puppy was originally envisaged as always running from a flash-drive. Indeed, many Puppians use this method today, to 'rescue' older machines with knackered hard drives. But you have ALWAYS been able to run Puppy from ANY media you wish.....even within Windows itself!
Let me look into the 'wee' bootloader thing for you. I'll be back later on, hopefully with an explanation and a 'fix' for you.
(EDIT:- Don't, whatever you do, run Lupu. This was based on Ubuntu 10.04 'Lucid Lynx', and is so far out of date that even we don't offer support for it any longer...)