I think I've been hacked.


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
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I have tried everything My computers not working Been ...my routers had to change 6 times I'm being hacked. really bad my cell my computers hard drives wiped as we speak its going on I do not have ACCESS to admin this has to stop .. So, i been learning taking how o they are taking over and ..boy!! i found lots of crazy files. that was missing from my laptop. I still need help ..Mr hacker this is my 2nd page I became a member that other account was hacked well the email. Thanks to anyone who's reading ty just for taking the time out.. now I love Hacking don't get me wrong I'm not hacking anyone nor harming anyone I do know who it is THIS HAS TO STOP! please any tips I will so appreciate u . ps I can't download anything.. thanks again to the reader also bios is not working I found a tp link on my network and on my pc right on the SCREEN the PROOF loll I'm going to upload pictures if I can as we speak he just took this email I REALLY NEED HELP!
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Get off the computer and contact the authorities.

We do not have cyber security experts here.

Chris Turner
Must have been an overload of grog in the chrissy cake...
You do have a shared account with a Gold member, that is someone who is paying to support the site.

It's in your best interest to cancel that subscription or to recover the account. An admin may be able to help with that.
Sorry if mixing in is inappropriate, lmk if so. The post reads like some scam mail. If they have an account relationship listed, sure its not some actual phishing attempt trying to gain access? I have seen bots edit their posts to add phishing links

  • missing relevancy to thread
  • „proof“ is mentioned but I cant see it
  • urgency
I am Stand Alone.. so let me .understand I'm being hacked.
Never knew until I started seeing ..on YouTube everything I have been reading about on this site is happening loll to me.. so the advice is get off the computer and call the police WOW that's what u got as a tip but u provide a way to hack somebody.. ty so much I don't need police see im not scared.. I'm annoyed.. that someone I know took the time out and learned on THESE sites how to play a game on my life.. I simply asked for any tips just to get my life back so no worries but ty who made the comment about there's no C police on here I'm a mother, Grandma.. I'm sure if your mother Grandma was being hacked that's not what u say
.but ty.. I figure this out on my own well I'll pat myself on the back I've learned so much and so I'll beat him and his game and I joined on this site.. became a member to contribute.. u want to kick me off well then go right a head.. but pass the title give it to someone who has MORE.. you know CLASS! ty to the readers who took the time just to give time I appreciate u
You do have a shared account with a Gold member, that is someone who is paying to support the site.

It's in your best interest to cancel that subscription or to recover the account. An admin may be able to help with that.
Will do, thanks for the info..that's me but I didn't know it was being shared how!? Where do u see that? Rookie
I split this off into an off-topic post to not clutter up a tutorial thread.
Honeybne...I don't believe a word of if. First off, if you can not spell or use coherent sentences you also can not function as a computer hacker (they say they love hacking but that they are not hacking anyone). They also say they know who is doing the hacking.
Then they continue this unintelligible rant as Stand Alone. They complain because it was recommended to call the police, even though they know who is doing it. They say they are not scared but they ramble on you are nothing but scared.
I am assuming that you are on some Linux distro. There is a virus protection program called Clam you may want to try and get then use. It may be of some help. Keep in mind I also am by no means an expert.

.. that someone I know took the time out and learned on THESE sites how to play a game on my life.

Not on ours - unless you mean the youtube sites?

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