Active Member
Hey guys!..... :3 I'm back with another problem..... One I think could be a help to others..... :3 So anywho, this all happened after I installed Pihole, Apache2, PHP, mySQL, and everything else needed to turn my Server into a Web Server.....
These are the things I have tried to fix the issue, according to various posts on the Internet..... :3 I tried: Editing the /etc/resolv.conf File, using
, editing DNS settings to point to Google's DNS, but nothing has worked so far.....
During the initial setup of PiHole, I accidentally changed my I.P. Address..... Could this be the issue.....? :< How do I change it back to the default one.....? :< My Penguin buddy can't access the Server from the outside, nor can I, but I can access it locally, from inside the Network.....
Thanks for any help guys, I truly appreciate it!..... ^^

resolvconf -u