How do I link grub boot to run an iso stored in a separate partition?


Active Member
May 24, 2022
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I have foxclone iso stored in / partition (sda6). /home is in seperate partition (sda6). The script for running foxclone is in 40_custom and is as follows...
# foxclone44-05 ISO grub boot
menuentry "ISO Boot: FoxClone44-05" {
   set isofile="/foxclone44-05.iso"
   loopback loop (hd0,6)$isofile
   linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject quiet splash toram
   initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz

Now, I want to have my iso stored in a separate partition (sda2). The path is /media/8f5859f9-508b-4f3b-bf65-2d91e0817efe/ISOs/foxclone44-05.iso.
I changed my (hd0,6) to (hd0,2) and I changed set isofile="/foxclone44-05.iso" to set isofile="/media/8f5859f9-508b-4f3b-bf65-2d91e0817efe/ISOs/foxclone44-05.iso". I then ran <$ sudo update-grub>. These changes give me a "file not found" error. How do I change my script to run an iso in a separate partition?

Did you create a sda2 partition with the foxclone .iso on that partition?

When you edited your /etc/grub. d/40_custom file as root and made your menuentry did you need to include a uuid?

I see from reading at the foxclone website that it's Linux based and boots from it's own os.

File not found in this case (I think) means Grub can't find it.
I included my grub script in my first post. Foxclone does boot from that script with the iso stored in /.
Yes, I have a partition at sda2. It contains the iso. The path to it is...
If it's not booting then your menuentry (if I had to guess) is missing something because Grub can not find it due to the message your getting, file not found.
That other thread I had posted was asking how to find the files inside the iso. This thread asks why grub can not find the iso.

However, I have fixed the problem. I am posting the corrected script below so others can see how to script is different for an iso stored in a separate partition. The change made was to the "loopback loop" line.
# foxclone test
menuentry "TEST FoxClone44-05" {
   set isofile="/foxclone44-05.iso"
   loopback loop (hd0,2)$isofile
   linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject quiet splash toram
   initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz
(hd0,2) points to the partition where the iso is stored and "/ISOs" is the folder in that partition where grub will look for the $isofile.
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You're digging yourself a very deep hole because you have no idea how to use an ISO.
Your absolutely right. But I am doing the best I can. I am slowely figuring it out and making progress. What is your take on my problem? How else can I learn this?
That other thread I had posted was asking how to find the files inside the iso. This thread asks why grub can not find the iso.

However, I have fixed the problem. I am posting the corrected script below so others can see how to script is different for an iso stored in a separate partition. The change made was to the "loopback loop" line.
# foxclone test
menuentry "TEST FoxClone44-05" {
   set isofile="/foxclone44-05.iso"
   loopback loop (hd0,2)/ISOs/$isofile
   linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject quiet splash toram
   initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz
(hd0,2) points to the partition where the iso is stored and "/ISOs" is the folder in that partition where grub will look for the $isofile.
Now that makes sense:-
Thanks for explaining.

Does the program now boot from GRUB?
Your absolutely right. But I am doing the best I can. I am slowely figuring it out and making progress. What is your take on my problem? How else can I learn this?

I've been using Foxclone since it was developed and have no idea what you're trying to do.

You don't need to look at the files on the ISO...doesn't matter what files are on the ISO...leave them be and forget about scripts.

You can cut and paste or copy and paste the ISO to anywhere you like...even to an external SSD/HDD.

You can't boot to the need to burn it to either a Flash Drive or DVD.

To burn it to a Flash the the place the ISO is...say Home Folder and select the ISO...then select your Flash Drive and click flash.

Once burnt to the Flash you can boot to Foxclone and create your's that easy.

Foxclone has a pre-installed environment and when you boot to it you'll see what I mean...hope this helps.
I've been using Foxclone since it was developed and have no idea what you're trying to do.

You don't need to look at the files on the ISO...doesn't matter what files are on the ISO...leave them be and forget about scripts.

You can cut and paste or copy and paste the ISO to anywhere you like...even to an external SSD/HDD.

You can't boot to the need to burn it to either a Flash Drive or DVD.

To burn it to a Flash the the place the ISO is...say Home Folder and select the ISO...then select your Flash Drive and click flash.

Once burnt to the Flash you can boot to Foxclone and create your's that easy.

Foxclone has a pre-installed environment and when you boot to it you'll see what I mean...hope this helps.
Trying to boot the iso from grub as in

I needed to look at the files to find where the initrd and vmlinuz file are stored.

You do not NEED to burn the iso to a DVD or flash drive. I have burned many isos to DVD. I am tired for buying DVDs so I want to boot the iso from grub which I have done but just not exactly as I wanted to.
From that link...
"The ISO can be stored anywhere in the file system, adjusting that line accordingly. I'm sure Clonezilla Live also can be booted from the ISO file, but the parameters given at Examples didn't work for me.

In theory, ISO boot can be used for live sessions of most Linux OSs. The problem, I found, is that boot parameters vary widely and there's no simple way to figure out what will work for a particular distribution. Can be done, but it's easier and faster to burn the ISO to flash drive.

Well good luck with Foxclone.
Just something for thought..from an ignoramus (me): "we cannot pull a rug while standing on it".
Trying to boot the iso from grub as in

I needed to look at the files to find where the initrd and vmlinuz file are stored.

You do not NEED to burn the iso to a DVD or flash drive. I have burned many isos to DVD. I am tired for buying DVDs so I want to boot the iso from grub which I have done but just not exactly as I wanted to.
So it boots for you now from Grub?

So what have you achieved...absolutely I said Foxclone runs from a Flash Drive for a very good reason...I hope you don't find out the hard way.

So what have you achieved...absolutely I said Foxclone runs from a Flash Drive for a very good reason...I hope you don't find out the hard way.
Well, I don't understand this question. I learned how to get foxclone to boot off my hard drive with grub so that I can make a clone of my system. And, BTW, it works like a charm. I'm sure foxclone does run from a flash drive if I wanted to use a flash drive. I am also sure it would run from a dvd if I wanted to use a dvd. Now, will you kindly explain why you think it is wrong for me to boot foxclone from my hard drive?
Well, I don't understand this question. I learned how to get foxclone to boot off my hard drive with grub so that I can make a clone of my system. And, BTW, it works like a charm. I'm sure foxclone does run from a flash drive if I wanted to use a flash drive. I am also sure it would run from a dvd if I wanted to use a dvd. Now, will you kindly explain why you think it is wrong for me to boot foxclone from my hard drive?

Ahh let me see...HDD/SSD failure...Unable to boot to the Desktop because you accidentally did something that lets say destroyed your Distro...Accidentally deleted your Distro while using Gparted and plenty of other problems.

So if any of the above can you use Foxclone when you're running it from the Desktop ?
How can you Re-Image your Drive when Foxclone is running from the Desktop that no longer exists it doesn't work that way.

As I've said Foxclone runs from a Flash Drive...instructions are here...

I hope this helps you understand why it must be used from a Flash Drive...good luck.
