Well, I enabled the User and the Administrator Passwords, and still could not find "Launch CSM" or the option to disable Fast Boot (though there IS one in 8)..... :/ So I disabled that, and STILL no luck...... D: I Hope you get YOUR issues resolved too..... :3 Wanna' Inbox, and take this discussion further......? Of course, I'll still be here: SOMEONE knows how to fix this (even if it will one day soon be ME.... ) Also, I can move priorities around to Boot this or that FIRST, but..... You can guess what happened........Hang in there. I'm fighting the same battle right now too, on an HP netbook. I've managed to get a couple of distros to install, but there are issues that still are not letting Linux run properly on this hardware (freezes on boot and shutdown/restart).
I still kind of think that you have a BIOS setting you haven't set right yet. The "launch CSM" mentioned above is the Asus version of "Legacy boot," I think. So it will probably have to be enabled, and Secure boot disabled. Other things to turn off in BIOS are quick boot, or fast boot, if you see that. Did you enable BIOS password? That was an Asus-specific tip that was necessary before some of the other BIOS settings could be changed, but it may not apply to your particular model Asus.
On my HP, after I enabled Legacy boot, it gave me a separate selection for Boot Order in Legacy mode versus EFI mode... so I moved the CDROM and USB boot options to the top of the list so the hard drive didn't get to boot first.
It's almost enough trouble to make me use Windows again.