having trouble locating file folders when using veil

bryan hilliard

New Member
Jul 22, 2023
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im generating backdoor shells using veil this is strictly for educational purposes im having trouble getting the reverse tcp on a laptop next to me so i tried to generate another shell for a raspberry pi but when i create the shells i have to copy the file path directly to get to them and then it wont allow me to erase what im creating. when trying to navigate thru the folders using the gui the VEIL folder isnt in lib where it should be and this is where i located the files my first go.
is someone messing with me???
im a new linux user self taught for about 2-3 years now i lack a lot of knowledge and noone helps i have just recently seeked help in the linux community
which payload should i use from veil if im attacking a rasp pi? im trying a shell written in python?? my first was for windows but windows defender wont even let the file exist on my laptop it deletes it.
i should probably add im also about to enter school to become a certified ethical hacker thru a local adult education program so i'll learn all this eventually with or without help from anyone.
im sorta a brainlet not scared to admit that...

i lack a lot of knowledge and noone helps

I'll help. There's no such word as "noone". There's Noone as a surname, but what you're going for is "no one".

See? I can help with that!

Anyhow, I see you're using Kali - but you've at least used Linux for a while. Kali isn't really a good desktop distro and should be run live or in a VM. Are you doing either of those, or did you just install it as your regular desktop?
Is your veil payload a 32bit version of the generated backdoor. Use the x64 version of the backdoor. If you don't have the 64 bit version of the payload - some Raspberry Pi are 32bit, while Kali is 64bit
I'll help. There's no such word as "noone". There's Noone as a surname, but what you're going for is "no one".

See? I can help with that!

Anyhow, I see you're using Kali - but you've at least used Linux for a while. Kali isn't really a good desktop distro and should be run live or in a VM. Are you doing either of those, or did you just install it as your regular desktop?
to be real honest ive used linux in my spare time for s's and g's for about 3 years now just poking away my last user experience with commands was a tandy 1000 lol a:>_ prompt for games i really like how easy it was to slide into linux in the same script kiddie way i really enjoy this stuff
Is your veil payload a 32bit version of the generated backdoor. Use the x64 version of the backdoor. If you don't have the 64 bit version of the payload - some Raspberry Pi are 32bit, while Kali is 64bit
a lot of the veil stuff isnt compiled it just dumps it into a folder and im using chat gpt to compile different stuff and it wont compile malicious code def not shell code for back doors so im gonna have my roommate help me compile the code for powershell or something but i got the file onto another computer but as soon as windows defender picks it up it says its a virus and deletes it for some reason this crappy windows gateway laptop i got from walmart has pretty good security i just wanna compromise it and poke around a bit hell i might even have my lhost and lport wrong before hand im not sure i know what im doing im just practicing the manual way because no one respects the script kiddie i guess
a lot of the veil stuff isnt compiled it just dumps it into a folder and im using chat gpt to compile different stuff and it wont compile malicious code def not shell code for back doors so im gonna have my roommate help me compile the code for powershell or something but i got the file onto another computer but as soon as windows defender picks it up it says its a virus and deletes it for some reason this crappy windows gateway laptop i got from walmart has pretty good security i just wanna compromise it and poke around a bit hell i might even have my lhost and lport wrong before hand im not sure i know what im doing im just practicing the manual way because no one respects the script kiddie i guess
You might be better off going to Kali Linux Forum - https://forums.kali.org/
To get your questions answered - Myself I have not done any ethical hacking in several years and what I knew back then does not really apply much today

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