Get to Know Your New Linux Friends ..(EDIT The title of this thread will change. This newbie think the thread should stay)

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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For an explanation of the note in the title, see #9 below.

This is inspired by two things.I think it could be fun.

I'm working on an article about Linux from the perspective of a newbie. One of the things I mention is the stereotypical, weirdo Linux user.

Someone linked a YouTube video reply. In the suggested videos, I saw a video about this very thing. It had me laughing. I think it's sort true, especially now that I've found myself (to be) a weirdo, too.


I thought it would be fun to share things things like this when we come across them. It might be something to help other newbies get a sense of who we are, especially if they relate in anyway. I did and now here I am.

Windows people always struck me as pompous. The Linux community is much more welcoming and have a sense of humor like mine. It wasn't unusual when some people either didn't see the humor in what I just said or they had to think about it before understanding the humor. Or they took me seriously.

Last edited:

... especially now that I've found myself a weirdo, too.
Just clarify, do you mean, "now that I've found a weirdo for myself" (congrats) or, "now that I've found myself to be a weirdo" (condolences)?
"now that I've found myself to be a weirdo" (condolences)?

Now that I've found myself to be one of those weirdo's too.

This is part of what is in the article I'm working on.... It's still in rough draft form

"Computers were something skinny geeks with thick glasses obsessed over and they always need a hair cut. "

"Before I knew what a mouse is, I knew some of those awkward kids. They were adults now, but they never grew up. They were still skinny. They were still wearing those god awful glasses with the thick lenses and unfashionable frames. When I was unfortunate enough to be in the same room with 2 of them, they went on and on speaking gibberish and saying something about Linux. If you told me then I would end up in my own love affair with Linux, that would be the funniest thing I ever heard. I would tell my friends what you said and we would never stop laughing."
I do not subscribe to the idea that the majority of Linux users are anything like what is hinted at...remaining unwashed for a week or more, blowing their noses on the sleeve of their shirt, etc etc and other utterly filthy ideas.
That sort of imagery is good for a laugh.....possibly because it semi disgusts us, but maybe also because the idea is ludicrous.

Linux is the new kid on the block. The ideas and the people who tout them are so damn fresh, it scares the hell out of most windows users.

What scares them ?.....anything they do not understand, yet can see working before their very eyes.

Breaking down the 'barrier' is a challenge. It is the challenge.

Flick to the kerb the old visions of weirdos and coke bottle glasses etc etc that imagery is as powerful as it is funny....and also totally incorrect. It is a "picture" that windows users put out there to protect their own sanity.

2024. A new beginning is dawning. Percentage of users has already risen. The various social outlets are talking about and interacting with Linux.
Linux users are showing themselves......even in public !
They are not necessarily either young nor old.....but they are driven....relentlessly, towards an OS that cares for them, nurtures them, conforms to their every need, without shackles.
Linux is the new kid on the block.

I could provide a reasoned argument as to why that's not really true these days.

Win 10 is wholly unique and MacOS was rewritten to run on their own special CPUs.

As a codebase, that is the Linux kernel, it's now quite old. It does get constant updates, of course.

Assuming we start with 1991 as the first Linux, Windows will have been entirely rewritten. Mac did have OS X which started in 2001. It has since been changed to work on the proprietary CPUs that Macs now come with.

BSD would be older than Linux.

Not that I want to argue. It's just an interesting thought process that I figured I'd share.
I do not subscribe to the idea that the majority of Linux users are anything like what is hinted at...remaining unwashed for a week or more, blowing their noses on the sleeve of their shirt, etc etc and other utterly filthy ideas.
I could provide a reasoned argument as to why that's not really true these days.

I'll rethink the title of this thread. I'm my case most of it isn't true either. Before trying Linux, this was my impression.

Videos like this are by people like us, people who can laugh at themselves and the stereotype. This was KGlll's response to something I said when he asked me to write the article.

An article about being a newbie Number's 9 and 10

# 9
....The only caution I have is that I wasn't an average user of Windows...

I suspect you'll find that to be true for most Linux users. Average users don't care and don't care to know.

Aside from the fact that Linux isn't Windows, the people were the biggest reason I tried Linux to begin with. I relate to you.
If it would be better to postpone this thread that would be fine with me. But I do think it would be good to misspell some of those myths and to make people like us feel welcome.
You've misspelled dispel, lol

Pedantic Wizard
But I do think it would be good to dispell some of those myths and to make people like us feel welcome.
I believe that is exactly what spades.

There are still a number of "hangout" forums who appear to pride themselves on being the 'stereotypical linuxer'.....rude, belligerent, unforgiving, stuck in their ways, unwilling to adopt a new kid on the block attitude (which can only do wonders for Linux, given the 'hangouts' attitudes.)
I laughed at the video, but I took it to be tongue in cheek, and Brother Stallman's gut succeeding in escaping his shirt makes mine look good, lol.

As for neck beards, mine has grown longer, but it was like this

Do we get to see a return wave, David ??
See my edited opening thread
Saw that but it didn't brought much, except for my own love affair with Linux.. just a Hmm and a :)
The lols was to a confused reaction, of a judge looking at you...himself being upside down
Please clarify

The upside down judge is a imaginary one, when you leave court upset and affected, but you hear something...
  • Who are you to judge me ?
  • Ye man, just look at him..
  • Yeah.. he is upside down, so what ?
  • If you don't care then let's go.

Your love affair remind me of someone, and somebody spread the word that he is a developer. Some said that's just a
faked rumor.. and no identity was revealed or talked with the spread.
The content with that someone, is like a theatrical piece with no nudity, but with words and gestures from a rap song.
@KGIII said "we delete almost nothing and ban maybe a few members per year"
For a link to YouTube to be banned ? No problemo ! Have it your way..
It is a 18+ content and I just wanted to give @Sherri is a Cat a "full explanation" to why I laughed, because involves someone not mentioned here, a provoker... not to nasty things, oko_O
Is like a déjà vu ;)

And all of it here feels like it is my fault, so I am the provoker :rolleyes:
No I'm not worried, just some thoughts(not mine) of a 23 years old girl shared with her MAM, about past and belonging


We want a wave from David

When do we want it?

Now, lol
We want a wave from David

When do we want it?

Now, lol !!

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