Dumping Linuxfx customers


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
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I just bumped into this while checking my feed: https://kernal.eu/posts/linuxfx/
An excerpt:
Linuxfx Software is (or was, depending on when you read this) a Brazilian “software” “company” run by skids, for skids. Their primary “product” is an “operating system” called Linuxfx, which is a Microsoft Windows 11 clone that also clones the spyware and activation “features”.

This “company” claims over 1 million users worldwide and over 15000 downloads this week, which will soon be disproved with the data from a full database dump of the entire machine registration database.

I was going to give LinuxFX a try soon.

Maybe I will need to rethink that.

Thanks, Hornet.

Yep, it hasn't gotten great reviews, especially after the, apparently exceedingly simple, database dump. The jist: The OS is Linux, themed to look exactly like Windows 11. Their advertising purports to be 100% Windows compatible, though that's been proven 100% false. They're just using a wine derivative. You can get a "free" crippled copy, or pay $35 for a license and supposed support. They did practically zero work to secure their license database, which contains user data, keys, etc. They supposedly fixed it, but the same guy who hacked it before, hacked it again, using almost the exact same tricks.

Something I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
Why someone would want to use a Windows clone when there is Cinnamon?
Why someone would want to use a Windows clone when there is Cinnamon?
My understanding ... their primary crowd are not tech users, but people looking for an alternative to Windows 11, which supposedly won't run on their existing computers.
I don't like fakes in general and even more I dislike faking a bad product like Windows, I rather make a big change for once and use to a good open source product ever since
I don't like fakes in general and even more I dislike faking a bad product like Windows, I rather make a big change for once and use to a good open source product ever since
Not everyone is you and some migrate in smaller steps than you or I.

I've seen quite a few new to Linux go back to Windows because they couldn't cut the mustard all at once.

Different strokes for different folks.

I hate wanna be browser clones.

Why use a wanna be Google Chrome browser over the real thing but a lot of people do I wouldn't I've tried them not impressed at all.

I wouldn't ever use LinuxFX however I know quite a few people who use LinuxFX and think it's the best Linux distro around.

Whatever OS works best for you may not always be the best choice for someone else.

My Wife will probably always use Windows and most likely we will have a brand new Windows 11 desktop in the house.

Personally I could care less what OS others use and I will never promote any OS to anyone.

I have Apple I have Linux I have Windows 10 and they all work good.

One is no better than the other one and an OS is an OS to me they all do what I need them to do without a problem.
One is no better than the other one and an OS is an OS to me they all do what I need them to do without a problem.
For general use, you're probably right, but it's the little details that might make someone choose an OS over the other. For example, I have Windows 7 installed in my laptop alongside Neon Testing, because I need it for work, and it does work quite well and can do pretty much the same things I do in Neon, however, I didn't install any antivirus software, because I don't do much networking there but when strictly necessary, and even then just visit sites I trust. On the other hand, when on Linux I feel a lot safer when browsing the web, and when I plug any USB device in, and when I install foreign pkgs I downloaded. When I installed Win7, I then had to go through the tedious update process, when it finally finished - the next day in the morning - and I restarted the machine, I was greeted by a "something went wrong ... reverting changes" and then "preparing to try again" and I'm like "wtf?", after looking at that for 30 mins with no apparent progress, I hit the power off button, restarted the machine, went into safe mode and fix things from there. On Linux, never have had a single problem (at least not one that I remember) when updating. So yeah, if you only intend to use your pc for doing office tasks and general stuff like that, there's probably not much difference between one or the other, but then again, why would you tie yourself to a spyware program to watch over your every step 24/7, when you can do the same stuff on another one that doesn't do that? And for the record, I do believe Windows (7 at least) has its own merits; file manager is quite capable, it's not dolphin, but it does get the job done. Windows Media Player is a fine piece of software, not an impressive one, but a good one. The MS Office suite is powerful and delivers. Some Windows only programs have no match in Linux; aimp https://www.aimp.ru/, cyberlink power DVD player https://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdvd-ultra/features_en_US.html, BSplayer http://bsplayer.com/, rufus https://rufus.ie, treesize https://www.jam-software.com/treesize_free, and while in Linux there's a plethora of good quality software, I wish some or all of these were available, too.
I don't know about any of that but I've only had one virus on Windows and that was the one I let in because I didn't know better.

As for spyware well if ya use Windows OSs then you should read the EULA I have for every Windows OS I use.

In the Windows 10 EULA it clearly states what is going to be collected and how it will be used so it ain't spyware when it's explained in the EULA.

I read everything before I agree to it and anyone who doesn't is a fool.

You may be super secret on your computer but your doctor and bank and credit card companies the VA etc all use Windows so all your personal information is already available.

I retired from the state department and our IT guys didn't keep any of the work computers updated on a regular bases.

Linux servers that run big corporations and business and financial institutions are getting compromised all of the time.

There ain't nothing secure from anyone who knows how to hack in to these systems.

Yes personal computers do get compromised but there ain't no profit in it imo.

Corporations and big business are the targets not the home base user so a hacker can get a $300.00 money order to not wreck a home computer.

What do I care if Microsoft knows I have hemorrhoids and order adult diapers for my parents.
Why would anyone want a so called Linux Distro that looks like windwoes and has ms spyware too.
what he said ^^^^^.....why in hell would you ?

Any OS that sets out to be a windows clone of sorts is gonna have some of its "attributes"....and I do not mean that in a nice way !

All of you good people coming to Linux. Step Up.....accept some challenge in your technological world ! Get a Grip !!

USE your membership here to get you over the first handful of hurdles. And then play with the bloody thing until you know a great deal about it. Look for topics that match the stage you are up to...eg browsers....office suites....whatever.....Use your brain.

You can be damn sure that M'soft has assumed that you do not have one......and that you will follow along behind all the sheep....baaa

I am pleased to see the end of that rotten OS. It (Linuxfx) will not be missed. Nor would windows for that matter. We can only live in hope.
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I am pleased to see the end of that rotten OS. It will not be missed.
You know something we don't? I assume you're talking about Windows, and I don't think it's going to disappear any time soon.
I really don't see Windows ever dying in my lifetime.

I believe @Condobloke is referring to LinuxFx.

I may be wrong as I excel in making mistakes and being wrong.
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You nailed that one, @Bartman

Maybe I should have been a little more explicit.,

edited the post up above.
Why use a wanna be Google Chrome browser over the real thing
Even Google Chrome is a knock-off of Chromium since Chromium is open source, so if you want to use the original real thing use Chromium
In the Windows 10 EULA it clearly states what is going to be collected and how it will be used so it ain't spyware when it's explained in the EULA.
Of course it is spyware it collects personal data of your habits and transmit it back to Microsoft, by agreeing to the EULA you are agreeing to the use of Microsoft spyware - spyware can be legal or illegal but it is still spyware

From - https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement/
"Microsoft collects data from you, through our interactions with you and through our products. You provide some of this data directly, and we get some of it by collecting data about your interactions, use, and experiences with our products. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Microsoft and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and features you use. We also obtain data about you from third parties."

I would like to know who are the "third parties" are and what data do they collect - the EULA does not specify

By definition, spyware is designed to be invisible, which can be one of its most harmful attributes — the longer it goes undetected, the more damage it can cause. It’s like a virtual stalker that follows you through your device usage, collecting your personal data along the way., which Microsoft does do with your permission by agreeing to the EULA

Strictly speaking, there are some valid applications of spyware. For example, your employer might have a security policy that allows them to use software to monitor usage of employee computers and mobile devices. The aim of company spyware is generally either to protect proprietary information or to monitor employee productivity. Parental controls that limit device usage and block adult content are also a form of spyware.

Yes you can manually turn off some of these, but to me they should not be there in the first place, let alone "on" by default
At least you're made aware up front providing you read the EULA and as for the rest well I'm sure if you really wanted to know than you could contact Microsoft.

There is always going to be someone looking up your skirt or up your behind seeing what they can get because you agree to it from the git-go.

Don't Agree

Whether you pick one or the other you must decide or nothing happens regardless of the outcome.

I don't like it but it's the way it works.
At least you're made aware up front providing you read the EULA and as for the rest well I'm sure if you really wanted to know than you could contact Microsoft.

There is always going to be someone looking up your skirt or up your behind seeing what they can get because you agree to it from the git-go.

Don't Agree

Whether you pick one or the other you must decide or nothing happens regardless of the outcome.

I don't like it but it's the way it works.
Have a look here - https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10
O&O ShutUp10++ means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 and Windows 11 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. Using a very simple interface, you decide how Windows 10 and Windows 11 should respect your privacy by deciding which unwanted functions should be deactivated.
It's a Pacifier for those who believe it works.

I tried all of the Windows 10 shut up and stop the data collection stuff and all it did for me was cause problems.

I quit worrying about data collecting I just don't care anymore.

Life is to short to worry about stuff you agree to allow to happen.

If you're going to use Windows OSs then expect it to happen and accept it.

You agreed to it from the start.

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