Getting there. Trying to unlearn from 3.1.
I'm going to share a few things that helped me move over to Linux, or even use itfor that matter
It sounds like you've been at this non-stop for quite sometime now. We're probably just like two peas in a pod. Obstinate.
When I go at something that hard and continue hitting speed bumps, it's usually because my mind needs a break. When I stop and let my mind untwist itself, every single time I come back I realize the one stupid little thing I missed or keep doing wrong.
Don't 'unlearn' anything.
Forget everything.
To my mind, unlearning is no different than comparing. "Thiis ( Fill in the Blank ) works with Windows. Why doesn't ( Fill in the blank ) work with Linux?" I understand that. The end goal is pretty much the same in both OS's. How you get there is what is different.
Everyone keeps saying Linux is not Windows. That's true, but its definitely not hard. Maybe it would be for some people, but I dont think it would be you. I suspect you're thinking too much and too hard. That's what I do. I think so much and so hard, I'm so stubborn that I can't see what's right in front of my face.
I make things a lot harder for myself when I refuse to cut it out for minute or two.
Ask for help. Linux has its own language. Don't use Windows terminology. Most people here don't use Windows or haven't for a very long time and Windows has changed a lot since they did.
Just tell people what you want to do and how to go about doing it. I'm sure you'll find it a lot easier to do it this way. If you're like me, you'll learn something and then be able to build on it later. Things you'll look up on the internet will make a lot more sense and you'll be able to do more and more things on your own. That's how I started out with Windows. You probably did too.
If you do that and even a less than decent computer (I'm sure your's is more than decent) I think your opinion of Linix will change.