CLI tty switching issue



I'm using Tiny Core Linux. It's only Linux core and optional extension packages provoding all one might need in that light distro.
I'm working in CLI mode, my core is patched with fbcondecor patch and can draw fancy shmancy backgrounds and splashes to framebuffer.
When the core is being loaded the fbsplash daemon draws a splash. When it's done, the init switches to tty1 and decors all ttys with backgrounds.

When I press Alt + L.arrow \ R.arrow, it switches to N-1'th or N+1'th tty. If I do Alt + L.arrow while at the 1th tty, it would switch me to splash screen. If I do this again (left again) it would appear to be tty6.
tty6 -> Alt + R.arrow leads to switching to splash, then to tty1.
However, the splash doesn't belong to any of ttys, I thought it's painted at tty7 or tty8, yet it's not true. I tried to switch to tty7\tty8 with chvt and there are black screens not splash. I hoped I could just deactivate the corresponding tty to get rid of that splash when switching ttys. But no.

The question is. How to manipulate the active ttys list after the boot so I could remove splash screen from it? It's hindering me.
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What is your /etc/inittab?

Switching ttys is usually done by Ctrl+Alt+function key.
What is your /etc/inittab?

Switching ttys is usually done by Ctrl+Alt+function key.
My inittab contains initialization for six ttys where the first does autologin.

Yep, but it's also Alt + L\R.arrow to cycle switch between them. Maybe it's only Tiny Core feature...
Yep, but it's also Alt + L\R.arrow to cycle switch between them. Maybe it's only Tiny Core feature...

I believe that's the window manager.

You could possibly remap them in the window manager settings, but that's static (will likely require restarting window manager) change.

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