Catch me live for an hour or so on YouTube to "Talk Linux Stuff"


Staff member
Oct 27, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm thinking of starting a weekly live hangout type thing on YouTube where I can hopefully answer some questions or just talk about whatever anyone in the chat wants to talk about.

I have a YouTube channel where i've been uploading some tutorials and i'd use that for this live.

I'll be on tonight at 8pm EST if anyone is interested. Here's the link:


I'd consider watching if it was at a decent hour but I'll be catching Zzzs around that time since my timezone is ahead of yours.
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lol - well, you gotta fix that :)
I'm quite happy in the timezone where I live, although if I were to move somewhere else I wouldn't move west but east :) Is the live stream going to be recorded so that it is available to watch at a later time?
haha i know :)

Yep, it'll be recorded. We're just going to talk about whatever the chat brings up though, so if no one shows up, i'll probably not keep it up :)
During the week is going to be hard for me to show up for a live-stream for that time, in the weekend it would be more doable.
For those not in the US, that is UTC/GMT -5 hours :)

If it is only on your Wednesday @Rob , I am busy this a.m. (Thursday ) but hope to be there next week.


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"Aw Shoot, I missed you"

Never mind, just got home, I'll try to be there on time next week :)

"From little things, big things grow". :)

Were they from here or from elsewhere?
Well, I'll try to be there next week, and maybe some Members can check it out too?

We'll get the flag waving for Linux, and at least maybe get a cooking fan and a workmate interested as a bonus. :)

I've got to learn more about YouTube subscriptions - I am subscribed to you, but can only get up a recording of last week's show. :confused:
I've pinned this so it catches more people's attention. :)
Nice, if you keep doing 8 PM means that for me it's 12 PM next day. I can connect but, if it's during the week, I may not be able to participate because work, but keen to listen!
im in the EST timezone, id love to watch your live streams, would love to browse the uploads if your posting them after like you mentioned as well?, thanks alot Rob!
It only had 2-3 people the whole time haha
I am on YouTube a fair amount of late and they never notified me of this and I have subscribed to your channel yet they do with the other Linux and the others that I subscribed to. I did not see this in General Forums till to-day.
BTW Rob you east, central or west timezone. just makes it easy for me to figure out timings from this end. Cheers.
sorry I missed ya man .
So you don't use windows at all?
Seems like every business uses them and then they run another program that's linux based ..

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