G'day @jumponlinux and welcome to linux.org.
Although I suspect you may not be here for long, as tunnel vision may preclude you from embracing a different perspective.
If, however, you want to actually learn a few things instead of pontificating and providing arguments that simply demonstrate your (almost) complete lack of knowledge, then read on.
Take a look at https://distrowatch.com/ and on the right-hand side you will see one hundred of the GNU/Linux distributions' websites that are visited daily, perhaps with a view to download. There are hundreds more.
You'll see Mint at Number 2, and the Fedora you mentioned at Number 7.
Linux is the name of the kernel, not the OS, developed by Linus Torvalds.
The GNU element is not freeware, it is free and open source software (FOSS).
I could go on, and I hope you consider asking to learn more, or you could take a look at the following
and, from here (written 10 years ago)
As I say, I hope you decide to expand your horizons.
If not, then this thread becomes
Chris Turner
I thought that Linux is the OS and that things like Mint and Fedora are the GUi's you can choose to layer over it, no?
Although I suspect you may not be here for long, as tunnel vision may preclude you from embracing a different perspective.
If, however, you want to actually learn a few things instead of pontificating and providing arguments that simply demonstrate your (almost) complete lack of knowledge, then read on.
Take a look at https://distrowatch.com/ and on the right-hand side you will see one hundred of the GNU/Linux distributions' websites that are visited daily, perhaps with a view to download. There are hundreds more.
You'll see Mint at Number 2, and the Fedora you mentioned at Number 7.
Linux is the name of the kernel, not the OS, developed by Linus Torvalds.
The GNU element is not freeware, it is free and open source software (FOSS).
I could go on, and I hope you consider asking to learn more, or you could take a look at the following
and, from here (written 10 years ago)
As I say, I hope you decide to expand your horizons.
If not, then this thread becomes
Chris Turner