Before I spin up yet another VPS at $30 a month...


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Jul 23, 2020
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There's a website that hosts with old servers from a pretty large hosting company but under a different name and I think you might bid on them and associated hosting costs.

I knew of the company already - but someone here once mentioned them to me in passing and we spoke about them briefly.

My VPS and regular hosting is a hodgepodge of companies and is over a dozen accounts. I need to simplify and, in the process, maybe cut down on costs overall.

Anyhow, they said the name and maybe linked to the site and I was like, "Oh yeah! I remember them!" I decided I'd have to check them out soon.

And now I've forgotten the name... Searching is not helping. Not even a little.

Man, my memory sucks...

There's Hetzner, but I'm not sure if that's the right one.


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