Australia's surprise spot on list of most-hacked countries


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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It does not surprise me that the US was number 1 whatsoever!

We're a big country that's full of people with relative wealth. We are also home to many large companies and many businesses that aren't founded in the US have a presence in the US.

So, yeah... We'll be the most targeted. We almost always are. If you're a bad guy, it just makes good sense. Why rob a 7/11 when you can rob a bank?

Lemme root around in my favorites...

(Have some fun with that link.)

You might also enjoy this one:

I've got stuff to do this afternoon, so I'll be in and out. Those should keep folks amused for a little while. There are others that do similar things and different folks include different things.

Edit: I was wrong. My 2:30 appointment just called to cancel the appointment.
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We're a big country that's full of people with relative wealth
Akin to the fact that most viruses are written for Windoze because that's the largest user base I guess. ;)
Akin to the fact that most viruses are written for Windoze because that's the largest user base I guess. ;)

Pretty much...

If I was into that whole committing felonies thing, I'd not mug someone in the 'hood', I'd mug the manager coming out of the convenience store on Monday morning. (Assuming both crimes had an equal chance of being caught.)

Also, I hope you clicked at least one of the links. I can sit and watch those for far longer than is rational.
Also, I hope you clicked at least one of the links.
The Kapersky link, wouldn't load anything but a blank center screen surrounded by menus, I'm pretty sure it's because of my Firefox settings which are pretty strict. However the Threatmap did. If I'm following the map correctly (beams going to certain locations from certain locations), that surprised ne somewhat, and in others were to be expected. What surprised me the most were the attacks coming from within the US, aimed at the US. Some of the usual actors were of no surprise.
I'm not sure that map was accurate though, because China had very few coming out of that country, and Im sorry, but I don't believe that for a second.
EDIT: Unless these are just disguised IP addresses, which would make more sense.
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What surprised me the most were the attacks coming from within the US, aimed at the US.

We not only have our share of malicious people, but we also have our share of compromised machines with proxy servers attached and compromised clusters of machines that are botnets. Many, many servers (probably a disproportionate number) are located in the US.

One might think that it'd be more egalitarian with the web being worldwide and all that, but servers in the US are a bit of a premium. We spend a great deal of money online and have many online services. You want your server(s) to be close to your customer.

This is less true if you use a CDN. Even then, a CDN will have more PoPs in the US than anywhere else.

You can also see this if you pay for a VPN. There will be a zillion US endpoints and a few in the UK, a couple in Germany, etc...

Which is to say, the system sees the end points but that's not necessarily where the traffic originates from. This is especially true with malicious traffic. If you're going to commit crimes online, you really don't want to be using your own IP address for that.

It all makes perfectly good sense.
Same here, but when clicking through all the other links and then links from those links, info came up.
I just clicked on every link in there and nothing lol
I did notice that "demo mode" right link was stuck in the "ON" position. Is it for you as well?
I just clicked on every link in there and nothing lol
I did notice that "demo mode" right link was stuck in the "ON" position. Is it for you as well?
Oh, that's a nuisance. Here's a couple of pages I was able to get to. The first one had the link (among many other links) to the second one:

Yes, Demo was "ON"
Oh, that's a nuisance
Another surprise for me is that Ukraine isn't even showing up in stats, As hard as they've been hit by Russia with hacks and viruses, I'd have though that they'd have at least made the charts somewhere?
Glad ya got it sorted. I use Chrome/Chromium for almost everything. Yes, I'm aware of what happens to my personal data. I made the choice to accept that in exchange for goods or services. LOL
......... in exchange for goods or services
Along with your first born, three quarts of your blood, etc, etc lol ;)
Along with your first born, three quarts of your blood, etc, etc lol ;)

I care so little that I (sometimes) use their password manager.

But, you know who hasn't lost my data? Google. Google hasn't lost my data in some giant compromise.

Microsoft hasn't lost my data either, seeing as I'm on the subject.

You know who has lost my data? My government lost my data as part of the OPM hack a while back. They don't even know for sure who took it. (I'd speculate, but that way lies politics and there be dragons there.)

Yup. I used to have my security clearance - as folks in tech often have to for certain jobs. All those forms, detailing everything including who my best friends were in grade school (and the results of their investigation) was lost.

Google? Nope. They've been good stewards with my data. They also don't sell specifics (as those aren't really necessary anyhow). You're lumped into a demographic and ads are targeted that way.

Anyhow, to be back on topic, the more I think about it, it kinda makes sense for people to target Australians and their systems. They're a first-world nation with a reasonable GDP and a fairly high standard of living. Then, they're also a little isolated.

If you compromise something in Australia, it may be true that many Australians are using that service. That makes it easier to do some phishing, as you know more about your audience. If they get your personal information, that makes it easier to do spear phishing.

While Australia is a very diverse country, they all have one thing in common and that is living on their island and things like local servers are just going to be faster. So, favoring those seems like a good idea (assuming I'm a bad guy, which I am decidedly not! I value my rights and freedoms too much to risk it, among the basic morals of it all).
Well that doesn't surprise me...a lot of gullible people here in Aussie and that includes big companies with poor security.

What makes me laugh is when one of these big companies gets hacked...they start telling everyone what not to do and how many people have "Password" as their Password.

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