I was asked to start a thread about this command:
All you really need from that is
The time shows you how long it took when the command finishes.
The -r is recursive.
The --progress shows you the progress of the transfers.
The ~/ is your home directory.
The variable is the path to the directory where you want to back things up.
If it's a network share, you just adjust the path to match that - which will depend on your settings.
time rsync -r --progress ~/ /media/kgiii/device_name/path/to/backup/dir
All you really need from that is
rsync -r ~/ /path/to/backup/location
. The time shows you how long it took when the command finishes.
The -r is recursive.
The --progress shows you the progress of the transfers.
The ~/ is your home directory.
The variable is the path to the directory where you want to back things up.
If it's a network share, you just adjust the path to match that - which will depend on your settings.