
  1. J

    Accessing phone data without interfacing with screen

    Hi, my girlfriend dropped her phone (motorola G5+) into a creek. This damaged it in such a way, that it starts up, the touch screen works, but the display stays black. You can feel it vibrating while blindly guessing the lock pattern. She already sent it to a repair shop, but they didn't manage...
  2. M

    unmount error on linux installation

    I have an Asus GL503GE laptop {128gb M.2 ssd C:drive} {500gb sata ssd D:drive} I tried installing Manjaro as well as popOS. during the install boot from usb stick I always get some unmount error and the installation fails. On pop OS : [FAILED] Failed unmounting cdrom.mount...
  3. DikWipe69

    Black screen when installing Manjaro

    I downloaded Ubuntu and I didn't enjoy it so I tried to run Manjaro instead but after I get past the first part where I set my time zone and stuff I get a black screen with a white line on the top left of the screen. How can I fix this, keep in mind im a noob at linux...
  4. M

    Manjaro or Deepin

    What is the best Linux manjaro or Deepin
  5. D

    Manjaro screen in two different places

    You know how a day a go I said that I had no bugs/problems with manjaro and that it is perfect. I lied. I rebooted my laptop and bam my screen is separated into two different places. Help plz. Have attached image. Basically the right side of the scrwen is in the top left half and the left side...
  6. G

    Help Me Choose a Distro

    Linux drives me a little nuts because Linux is just a hodgepodge and I'm indecisive. Trying to find the best distro for me and a certain laptop. I've usually used KDE with arch based distros (manjaro, chakra, etc). But I can't do KDE. The amount of customization you have to do is insane and...