Search results

  1. CaffeineAddict

    Make your man command output colored!

    I disliked so much to type man whatever into terminal because entire text is white & black like TV's from 80's so instead I used to read man pages online. But that changed, here is what I did: sudo apt install terminfo Append the following code to the end of your ~/.bashrc # Bold text export...
  2. CaffeineAddict

    Do you understand everything in htop?

    Hey guys, I really love htop program to monitor system activity, but there are many variables shown that take researching what they mean. I found the following web site which documents in detail all of the numbers and columns, you might find it useful:
  3. CaffeineAddict

    Solved reboot system from terminal

    To reboot system from terminal the usual reboot command did it and still does it... But on a systemd machine we can also do systemctl reboot or sudo systemctl reboot to reboot system. Other than longer typing, is there a difference or preferred method?
  4. CaffeineAddict

    Solved How do I check status and logs of the ssh in Debian?

    I'm using SSH primarily for GitHub and I want to check status of my ssh-agent (or what ever it is called) in Debian and also to check for it's logs, however I'm not able to find it with systemctl sudo systemctl list-units | grep ssh Provides: <no output> How to find which one is it? how is it...
  5. CaffeineAddict

    Which variants of grep are deprecated?

    I know fgrep and egrep are deprecated because same functionality exists with grep -E and grep -F But what about pgrep and rgrep? are these 2 deprecated as well? For rgrep there is grep -r but I don't find any mention of rgrep being deprecated. pgrep seems unique and still valid, so it's not...
  6. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Logs monitoring software or methods

    One thing I really miss in Linux is a GUI to monitor, filter and oversee logs and to subscribe to certain logs. I've been googling around and from what I see all this shiny log monitoring software is commercial, there is barely any free. So my first question is, is there free one and which one...
  7. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Are iptables an obstacle if using nftables?

    I have nftables configured and that's what's used for firewalling, but out of curiosity I've run iptables in terminal and figured out it's installed and configured to allow all traffic. I'm not sure how is it possible that 2 firewalls are installed at the same time. I don't know if iptables...
  8. CaffeineAddict

    Upgrading kernel require reinstall of Nvidia driver?

    I don't have a link but I've read somewhere on debian wiki that if you install Nvidia driver that is downloaded from nvidia website then it's mandatory to reinstall the driver every time you upgrade your kernel because the driver is bound to one kernel only. Today I got kernel update from...
  9. CaffeineAddict

    How often do you reinstall system?

    Hey guys I'm curious how often do you reinstall your system and what triggers you to do it? While I was using Windows I used to reinstall it every 6-12 months or so primarily because it was the most effective method to: 1. Get rid of potential FUD malware 2. Because of registry which over time...
  10. CaffeineAddict

    Solved aptitude search output meaning

    Here is output of my search for installed winehq and wine for which I use winehq repo aptitude search wine-staging p wine-staging - WINE Is Not An Emulator - runs MS Windows programs i A wine-staging:i386 - WINE Is Not An...
  11. CaffeineAddict

    Solved What are fsync and esync?

    In Lutris there are options to enable fsync and esync. What exactly these options mean? I've been googling out but can't find any clear explanation.
  12. CaffeineAddict

    Solved additional apt repositories

    I have only now figured out a potential issue with my apt setup... To install and update Lutris I had to add opensuse repo to apt: from Problem is that this now might lead to installing packages...
  13. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Generic or targeted initrd?

    I have choosed generic initrd during installation due to lack of understanding.. Now I'm currious to know the difference in detail, if we choose targeted inird that means only modules for detected hardware is included right? Does this mean that if we attach additional hardware such as...
  14. CaffeineAddict

    Solved file system commands

    I'm assembling a list of file system commands to learn more about, I noticed there is common naming schema, for ex. e2label tune2fs dump2fs resize2fs e2freefrag e2fsck e4defrag What all these have in common is naming, it has "2" or "4" in name. Questions: 1.) Beside these what other fs...
  15. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Hibernate not working

    As soon as I hibernates my system, it wakes up but there is no signal to monitor and need to press restart button on my case to reload. I suspect this might be due to swap partition being too small? My swap is 1GB in size. What else could be the cause? if it's swap how do I increase it? there...
  16. CaffeineAddict

    PC stats widgets

    I'm playing GOG games with Lutris trough wine and would like to have in-game hardware usage stats, CPU\GPU\RAM etc. Other than this, while not gaming what cool options are there to see PC hardware usage stats such as widgets or similar?
  17. CaffeineAddict

    Solved nftables rules for qBittorrent

    The following are my nftables rules to allow qBittorrent: filter_4 is IPv4 table name new_out_4 is outbound IPv4 chain name (statefull) new_in_4 is inbound IPv4 chain name (statefull) Established and related traffic is fully allowed. The default policy is to drop packets. # New IPv4traffic...
  18. CaffeineAddict

    Solved dhclient is deprecated, but what's replacement?

    dhclient was used to manage communication with DHCP, Since the ip is now all in one tool I really hope we shouldn't be using the ip to manually boggle with IP and route configuration for DHCP purposes. is there some other replacement with same "up to date" replacement value as ip?
  19. CaffeineAddict

    Solved How should we write the word "linux"?

    This is a philosophical question and not a computer issue. I got into habit (by observing other people) to write Windows with capital "W" rather than windows, and there is sane reason for that because "Windows" is a trade mark name (I hope I got that right), anyway in same fashion I'm not sure...
  20. CaffeineAddict

    Solved Does symbolic link consume an additional inode?

    I understand that when a hard link is created to another file this means that both the original file and hard link itself will consume same inode (pointing to same data on disk) thus 1 inode is consumed in total, is that correct? But when we create a symbolic link how many inodes are consumed...