Know anything about journalism and open source



Write a handbook (in spanish language /periodismolinux/ ) for journalists interested in using free software from GNU/Linux. Any recommendations, guidance, opinion, welcome.

Write a handbook (in spanish language /periodismolinux/ ) for journalists interested in using free software from GNU/Linux. Any recommendations, guidance, opinion, welcome.
First of all, start with LibreOffice, an Open Source alternative to MS Office, and available for free. I am not a Journalist myself. Hopefully, there are some viewing your posting that can offer further suggestions.

Please consider multiple versions at least in Spanish, and English, and possibly other languages as well.

You might also want to contact Pamela Jones, creator of a Website called Groklaw, a site to track the SCO nightmare that plagued the industry since 2003. It is a great example of community based journalism, and legal research. Every journalism student should study the work that PJ, and thousands of contributers have done.

Good luck with the project, and let us know when we can see the result!
Thank you rstanley for tips. You can see in (spanish) periodismolinux(point)com(bar)codigoabierto(bar)144
Thank you rstanley for tips. You can see in (spanish) periodismolinux(point)com(bar)codigoabierto(bar)144
Looks great so far! A lot of the Open Source software do have Windows and Mac versions. Make sure you double-check for this with all the packages, such as Scribus, LibreOffice, etc...
I know I'm late to the .party(), but there's also Open Office..... :)
LibreOffice was based on the original OpenOffice, but has advanced the office system far beyond the current OpenOffice. I won't say it is obsolete, but it is time Apache turns over all the OpenOffice source, Trademarks, and all other IP to The Document Foundation. The two products need to be combined back into one Office System.
It's agreed!, rstanley:

"The two products need to be combined back into one Office System".

LibreOffice was based on the original OpenOffice, but has advanced the office system far beyond the current OpenOffice. I won't say it is obsolete, but it is time Apache turns over all the OpenOffice source, Trademarks, and all other IP to The Document Foundation. The two products need to be combined back into one Office System.
Ah, so THAT'S the whole story of Open/Libre Office..... :3 Thank you good sir!..... ^^ Yeah, even in the FOSS World, at least SOME standardization is a GOOD thing....... :)
I'm late:) but maybe you will find OnlyOffice, an open source alternative to Google Docs, interesting.

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