Newbie forum for sysadmins?


New Member
Aug 3, 2022
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Hi everyone.
I manage a couple of Linux VPSs. I mostly do this through the controlpanels (KVM SOLUS..s) and command lines.
I know how to ssh to the server.etc...
I have installed aapanel to help me out with installing NGINX even though I'm not sure I need it, but it seems to work with Wordpress, which is what I use most.
I don't want to go to a managed share hosting solutions as I really, really want to learn to manage my VPSs. At the very least secure them, without following youtube videos.
My questions is, is this forum the right one for me? If not, can you suggest me one?
I've been looking for days, and other than spammy forums with no traffic, I seem to be SOL.

is this forum the right one for me?

There aren't that many regulars hosting sites and leasing VPSes. There's me but I'm far from an expert.
There are a few sysadmins here but the better place would be reddit.
Also the best way to learn sysadmin stuff is independently trying out things to see how they work and trying to figure out what's wrong if it doesn't work. Bombing a subreddit or a forum with questions about how something works and getting all the answers will not help you in learning.

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