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Hei, apa kalian tau software komputer pertama didunia?
Maksud ku apa kalian tau mengenai orang yang membuat software itu dan seperti apa proses nya? Apakah tidak jauh beda dengan jaman sekarang?
Welcome to the forums, This is an English only site, please translate your post to English before hitting the go button.
The first electronic programmable computer, was developed by the British during WW2, and called colossus, no screen no keyboard, it used preprogramed Jacard tapes and printer,
I started in the early 1980s playing with an IBM compatible the OS was IBM basic, which developed into IBM OS [the granddaddy of Linux and IOS]
I just tested googles version of A.I. gemini. I asked it to write three different bash scripts. Although it came close not one of them would run without modification. I am not a good coder but it appears I can outperform Google. I think the earth is safe from an A.I takeover..... :)
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Yeah proprietary AI models are seemingly meh. I've been using Mixtral through Ollama lately and it's been pretty good; but I've also been working on my model for like 6 months lol. It's a fun thing to play with for sure!
Pit Kernel is real-time graphics and audio processing library. Pit Kernel is a program within the framework of Pit Sys, with the help of which artists can create audio with better quality and more graphics.
I don't test well. I'm told I should try to get my Linux + and Security + certifications but I've literally never passed a single test in my entire life. Just can't handle the anxiety of being on the spot without having access to the resources of my fingertips. Would appreciate any advice one might have. Unfortunately, everyone wants to see the paperwork before they'll hire.
Still readin the tutorials any advice 4 mi like a new user
Relax,Take your time, if you do not understand something ask in the correct forums, depending on your question, it may take a day or so for one of our specialist to reply.
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Don't sweat anything. If you're learning to tinker and configure your system to your preferences, you WILL break stuff. Learn to use applications like Timeshift if you want to roll back. Just enjoy the process. Eventually it'll become second nature and you'll be a wiz kid in no time.
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I just install linux kernel on my phone and is working fine so far im goin to keep reading and explorin.
Pit Sys is a system programming, Unix/Linux programming , system administration , algorithm engineering and development and other programming ways team.That is the main of programming platforms
Pit Basis is an art group where artists are able to show their new ideas and flight of mind to the public.Being present at our exhibitions, you can get an idea about his dark corners of art and our future works.Pit Basis will also have a library where people can gather, read books and discuss important parts of the books together.Artists can make their platform in Pit Basis.
Welcome to Network Basis , our problem is to create an environment where people can share their ideas and create new groups... within the framework, we should create a social network where they can share their thoughts and create new ones. issues: develop Armenia, personal growth, professional orientation, foundations and congregations, creating systems and programming systems, opening programming centers.
Hey, im new even though i joined months ago
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Welcome. I joined a while back but haven't been active myself. Seeking to change that by checking in at least once a day. With any luck I'll learn something new, or possibly share some tid bits of knowledge along the way.