Why would some distros be recognized in USB stick, but not others?


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
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Howdy yall. New to the forum but have been using very basic linux distros ( Ubuntu and the like) for years on old laptops for very low iq uses, like browsing.
I have recently gotten a hold of an Acer Spin 1 convertible touch screen netbook, which barely ran the strange windows 10 version it came with. I have been cycling through different distros to lock down an ideal windows replacement for this thing. I've been successful in running and installing Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Mint, Deepin, Bodhi, and Peppermint. There's pros and cons for each, but none are close enough to being a dependable daily driver on this netbook without sacrificing some features ( wonky/no touchscreen support, no exFat support, supposed chinese spying, spartan file browsers, or too much horsepower for a resource-low pc).

In my search for other options, I've come across some distros that simply won't boot up. I use Rufus on my windows 10 rig to make the bootable USB and try to boot on the Acer. Some of the non-working distros are Garuda, Puppy, Ghost, KaOS, ..... Is there something that would be missing on the non-working isos vs the ones that did work? Is there something i can try doing with EUFI? Is it a Grub2 issue? Might the laptop have some strange architecture that won't play with all linux distros? I have tested all of these on my main PC and they boot up fine, but I'm not clever enough to pick up on the difference between the two computers. Any clues as to what might be the cause of this inconsistency?

Thanks for looking.

Never even heard of Garuda Linux and doing a quick Google minimum ram of 4 gig is suggested. I think bodhi is a light distro so ram could be one factor. What are your netbook specs ?

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