Why telnet port 25 is refused?firellwalld 25/tcp is open



my system is centos7,now is trying sending email by poxfix,that is ok,but can not receive anyemail,so i guess port 25 have problems,so in firewalled i opend public 25/tcp,and other like 80,8080 tcps,so i telnet my domain to 25,connection refused,while i tellnet other port 80 that is no problems at all.

Now i am really confused,SElinux is shutting down,and i think might not the problems of firewalld,as if i shutdown firewalld,this problemas remails.


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Hi there,
Im pretty new at linux,but i think port25 is generally used by your email-client,for sending outgoing email. Try selecting a port higher then 1024, does that do the trick?
thank you Niels t. Problem solved finally.just reload stop and restart the postfix.I am new to linux too man.

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