GuestSneezeOS Offcial
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On Reddit I Was asking How Do I install Arch Linux They All Became Like Insane in the first few minutes of that post and j can say NONE OF THEM WHERE GOOD PEOPLE
Because these mor(m)ons there, as well as those on the Arch linux forum, think they're gods just because they can type words in the terminal.On Reddit I Was asking How Do I install Arch Linux They All Became Like Insane in the first few minutes of that post and j can say NONE OF THEM WHERE GOOD PEOPLE
You're kind of proving the point, anyone can download Arch Linux, it's not complicated if you find the right material. But, for some reason people will download Arch, then just because they follow some guide acts like they are superior. You're proving this point by saying "You should already know this" when a majority of Arch Linux users don't even know anything about Linux. They purely get Arch as a bragging right, then treat others like they're retarded for having any questions. This extends to other forums, on ProtonVPN reddit there was some guy asking about getting Proton to work on Kali, only to be harassed by an Arch linux user who said "dont use such an edgelord os", ignoring what Kali is meant for, usually dualbooted......and your point is?
For the most part, Arch is seen as a distro for reasonably proficient, expert "power-users", who have some experience under their belt. It's not one to be recommended for 'beginners'.....and the community, by & large, doesn't have the inclination to "nanny" beginners through basic stuff with "baby steps".
You're assumed to already know all this.
Kind of reminds me of new Kali users as well they been watching way too much Mr RobotThey purely get Arch as a bragging right, then treat others like they're retarded for having any questions.
On Reddit...
Preferring to use the cli for most things is not cli "snob-ism", but a personal preference and a choice. Just like anyone can have preferences and choices for something else when it comes to Linux and other opensource software.In other words stay away when allergic to CLI snobism.
I'm not advocating that it's for everyone, I'm advocating that everyone can have a preference and choice to use or to not use something when it comes to opensource software and Linux distributions.I've had my full share of CLI (and intolerance manifestations) before, feel free to advocate that, but i won't.
A distribution aimed at advanced users doesn't make the entire community elitist and have elitist views, maybe a small percentage of the users. But when a Linux newcomer decides to go for a distribution aimed at advanced users it can be expected that they are expected to have done their homework if they are going to asking for help with something they are stuck on or wanting a question answered.Yes, I have noticed that some Arch and Slako sites still seem to have the elitist views we use to see 20 years ago on Linux sites,
Yes it's just typing out commands but if you have no idea what those commands do, like if you don't know what partitioning is or what filesystems are how to mount your newly created root partition with a filesystem, etc. Also having gone through the manual installation process a few times helps you understand how your system is setup, for when your system breaks with an update you will have an idea of what steps to take to recover your your system.Like rado pointed out, it's just entering commands, and arch is nice in the sense that it's less automated of an install.
That's a really good idea, and thats how i deal with a lot of command line inconveiniences. If i think it could be useful for others, i put it on github.Now days I just use the archinstall script since it gives me a nice minimal setup which I can continue to build on from there, without having to manually go through all the steps which saves me some time.
Man, you are using a lot of words to say exactly the same thing as Mike WalshYou're kind of proving the point, anyone can download Arch Linux, it's not complicated if you find the right material. But, for some reason people will download Arch, then just because they follow some guide acts like they are superior. You're proving this point by saying "You should already know this" when a majority of Arch Linux users don't even know anything about Linux. They purely get Arch as a bragging right, then treat others like they're retarded for having any questions. This extends to other forums, on ProtonVPN reddit there was some guy asking about getting Proton to work on Kali, only to be harassed by an Arch linux user who said "dont use such an edgelord os", ignoring what Kali is meant for, usually dualbooted.
What I'm saying here is you are also part of the stereotype. Someone who've used Mint for the longest time wanting to move to Arch won't know how Arch works, everyone who uses Arch was a beginner at some point