Versión de Linux para empezar a programar ( Linux version to start programming)


New Member
Jun 21, 2019
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Me han recomendado el SO Linux para aprender a programar, pero no sé que distribución de Linux puedo coger para alguien que quiere aprender a programar ¿Me podrían ayudar con eso? les agradecería mucho el esfuerzo, ya que nunca he mirado nada de Linux y no sé que versión coger para lo mencionado y me pierdo un poco. Obviamente se un poco lo que ofrece Linus, por eso no me pareció mala idea. Por cierto, actualmente uso Windows 10, por si acaso os sirve de ayuda para responderme
(I have been recommended the Linux OS to learn to program, but I do not know which Linux distribution I can catch for someone who wants to learn to program. Could you help me with that? I would appreciate very much the effort, since I have never looked at anything Linux and I do not know which version to take for the above and I miss a bit. I obviously know what Linus has to offer, so I didn't think it was a bad idea. By the way, I'm currently using Windows 10, just in case it helps you to answer me.)
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What sort of programming?

You might be better to use the solid mainstream distros.

There are generally three branches of Linux .deb, .rpm and independent.

.debs are like Linux Mint, Ubuntu and Debian itself.

.rpms are like Centos and Fedora.

"independent" could be openSUSE, Arch Linux and Gentoo

If you want to get off to a quick start use something like Linux Mint or Ubuntu because they have large supportive communities.

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