Today's article is about using boot-repair to fix your Linux boot.


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Jul 23, 2020
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It's rather basic and definitely doesn't cover the myriad intricacies that is the Linux boot process.

The site has been swamped with traffic lately, much of it from social media. Whoever's sharing the links, thanks! I've been sharing it on Reddit, first in the r/linuxtips sub and the following day it gets crossposted to r/linux.

It's chewing through bandwidth, which meant I had to upgrade the account. It should be set for this month. I'll see where it is at the end of the month.

the url of boot-repair is malformed it doesn't go anywhere

What i might add is there are a few approches if your OS will not boot. There is rEFInd if your PC is uefi. There is also the approach if your PC won't boot of say re-installing grub via using a liveOS from usb mounting root partition of PC, doing a chroot etc
I have no idea how the link ended up that way. Thanks!

And, yeah, there's a whole lot that's not covered in this article. I decided from the start to merely cover the basics for the most common installs. Otherwise, it'd be a giant and convoluted article way beyond what I'm aiming to write.

The link should be fixed. I'm not sure how the heck I missed that. I seem to have pasted something from one of my many notes documents and haven't got a clue how it ended up that way.

But, it's fixed!

Also, the site has been getting an insane amount of traffic. I've had more than 200 unique visitors just today. I haven't even shared today's article in r/linux. I'll crosspost it to r/linux tomorrow, which is coincidentally after all the feedback y'all give me. I actually am doing it that way to level out the traffic.

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