I am including four (4) screenshots from my Timeshift setup, and hoping @Gainer can provide his equivalent back.
Just put a couple of "carriage returns" - lines, or Enters, between each one for easy reading for us.
Where mine show devices and partitions from /dev/sda through /dev/sdc, yours may show /dev/nvme... that's fine.
This shows my entry page to Timeshift, yours will likely only show 1 - 3 lines, I run many Distros.
1st arrow shows the snapshot taken on the 23rd, of my Linux Mint 22 (wilma), the System (name) is assigned by Timeshift.
2nd arrow shows Tag as the letter O - I'll come back to that.
3rd arrow shows my scheduled snapshots are disabled (by me), yours may show enabled.
4th arrow shows that, while my Wilma is on /dev/sda3 on my hard drive, my Timeshift snapshots are stored on /dev/sdc12 which is my Western Digital external, powered, drive. It is important I see your info there, so make sure you get a full screenshot.
Comments field can have anyhting you put into it that is meaningful, and don't have to be as verbose as mine (I also use my Timeshift comments as an Organiser.)
This shows, from the upper arrows, I am on Settings - Location.
The lower arrows show that my target storage area is indeed my /dev/sdc12 on the WD, that the storage partition (must be) is EXT4, and that I have labelled that storage partition TSsdaUbiquity, since this only house my distros such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint, installed with the Ubiquity installer on the Live USB sticks.
This shows Settings - Schedule. By default, with a distro where Timeshift is pre-installed, as with Linux Mint, the Daily (D) option will likely be checked, and if your first boot into your new install is effected within 5 minutes either side of the hour, Timeshift will likely take a snapshot, and the timestamp (Screenshot 1, 3rd arrow) will show something like :00:00 at the end.
Further, if Timeshift has not (yet) been directed to another partition/drive to store snapshots, it will take it and use the current location for storage. So if you wish to save snapshots elsewhere (advisable) first go through the Wizard (Timeshift's, not me, lol) and amend the schedule.
Your Tag in Schedule, will be reflected in Tags (Screenshot 1) as likely M, W, D, H, B for
That is because I run Timeshift on each of my 65 distros once a month following updates.
This shows my personal choice, of having my Home folder (or partition) included in the snapshot.
That may not be practical for those who have enormous amounts of photos, movies, downloads and/or Games software installed. I save mine to an external drive, so my Home folder is never larger than maybe 2 GB.
So @Gainer , if you re-read the above and absorb it, maybe you can provide your 4 equivalent screenshots, and we can see if I can help you further.
Just put a couple of "carriage returns" - lines, or Enters, between each one for easy reading for us.
Where mine show devices and partitions from /dev/sda through /dev/sdc, yours may show /dev/nvme... that's fine.

This shows my entry page to Timeshift, yours will likely only show 1 - 3 lines, I run many Distros.
1st arrow shows the snapshot taken on the 23rd, of my Linux Mint 22 (wilma), the System (name) is assigned by Timeshift.
2nd arrow shows Tag as the letter O - I'll come back to that.
3rd arrow shows my scheduled snapshots are disabled (by me), yours may show enabled.
4th arrow shows that, while my Wilma is on /dev/sda3 on my hard drive, my Timeshift snapshots are stored on /dev/sdc12 which is my Western Digital external, powered, drive. It is important I see your info there, so make sure you get a full screenshot.
Comments field can have anyhting you put into it that is meaningful, and don't have to be as verbose as mine (I also use my Timeshift comments as an Organiser.)

This shows, from the upper arrows, I am on Settings - Location.
The lower arrows show that my target storage area is indeed my /dev/sdc12 on the WD, that the storage partition (must be) is EXT4, and that I have labelled that storage partition TSsdaUbiquity, since this only house my distros such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint, installed with the Ubiquity installer on the Live USB sticks.

This shows Settings - Schedule. By default, with a distro where Timeshift is pre-installed, as with Linux Mint, the Daily (D) option will likely be checked, and if your first boot into your new install is effected within 5 minutes either side of the hour, Timeshift will likely take a snapshot, and the timestamp (Screenshot 1, 3rd arrow) will show something like :00:00 at the end.
Further, if Timeshift has not (yet) been directed to another partition/drive to store snapshots, it will take it and use the current location for storage. So if you wish to save snapshots elsewhere (advisable) first go through the Wizard (Timeshift's, not me, lol) and amend the schedule.
Your Tag in Schedule, will be reflected in Tags (Screenshot 1) as likely M, W, D, H, B for
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
- Hourly or
- Boot
That is because I run Timeshift on each of my 65 distros once a month following updates.

This shows my personal choice, of having my Home folder (or partition) included in the snapshot.
That may not be practical for those who have enormous amounts of photos, movies, downloads and/or Games software installed. I save mine to an external drive, so my Home folder is never larger than maybe 2 GB.
So @Gainer , if you re-read the above and absorb it, maybe you can provide your 4 equivalent screenshots, and we can see if I can help you further.