Solved Playing on LinuxMint 22.2.x

Solved issue


Active Member
Oct 12, 2024
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Goal: Free of Microsoft by Christmas 2024

After much encouragement from folks here, I succumbed and made a LM bootable thumb drive. Why not? All the suppport here and I was successful making a Rescuezilla stick, and success making backups of original Ubuntu for Mini PC warranted hardware. I was getting into it and noticed I was using LM

Don't upate/reformat/Load Fresh. Not a problem. Went back to @Condobloke guidesheet and made a bootable stick LM 22.x.x with Rufus in Windows 11 Pro. OK, I'm past listing one of the three things I did not like doing in past decades (and had no need for the way things got done). That was a bootable stick - any platform. Past. Dual-Boots and VM"s out to lunch.

For a couple of days I explored LM22 Cinnamon. Changed the "look" a bit. Played with Timeshift. (comes installed in LM22). Set the default browser the way I like and configure StartPage search engine, create bookmarks and back them up.

I have three Windows programs I want to come over to LM. I installed newest version of Bottles using defaults. Clean, no errors. Two of the three programs I have been using for decades are Pop Peeper and Keepass. I would like to keep both but it was sounding pretty discouraging.

There is a version of KeePass called KeePassXC built for Windows & Linux. Could not get it to work in Linux or Windows. Back to KeePass.

I had istalled most current version of Bottles. Then installed Pop Peeper and KeePass in their own Bottle. Followed all defaults during install. Both are working like they were made for this Bottle version. So very happy they work after reading about so many failures. In KeePass the one thing I have not been able to useis the Auto Login feature - KeePass can launch your browser to the login page of the site. Two key strokes and it fills your Login & Password automatically. Probably works. Just need to sort it. If not, for me it is not a deal breaker. I've got two of my old friends here with me in LM22

For a person like me to be able to do all that speaks to the quality of support and encouragement on If you are new to this forum, you are in very good hands.

LM22 on the stick became only computer for days. I was living my Christmas Goal. After so much success I started to workout a plan how to get my third windows program to work. Wanting to start fresh, I rebooted.

OUCH... all gone. :D

Question. What have I missed? How do I keep the work? If I keep my progress, if I keep my work is it possible to transfer that to computer when I click the Icon that says "Install LinuxMint"?

Thank you @Condobloke , @Brickwizard , @KGIII , @wizardfromoz , @Windmill , @osprey
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Sounds like you were running in "Live" test mode, which doesn't have persistence, when you turn off any changes are lost, to run from pen-drive keeping changes you need to create persistent installation

Keypass for Linux is in the Mint repository

Pop Peeper is for IE only, the later versions don't play well with Wine but version 5 seems to be ok [from what i have read
Yes, you were very likely
sudo ufw status
to have been running Linux Mint from the usb stick, only. That means LM is running in RAM only....not on the drive.

There is an icon on the desktop....Install Linux Mint. Double click on that will start the full install to the drive

During that process, you will be asked if you wish to install multimedia etc....tick yes

Also if you wish to wipe the drive and have LM22 only on there....or if you wish to install alongside another linux os (this includes ubuntu or windows etc)....

Once you have made thos choices, sit back, beer, whisky,,,,whatever....takes around 15 - 20 minutes

When it is finished it will say...'Do you wish to keep testing? (which means running in usb stcik/Live mode) or do you want to finish the install, and reboot completely...or some such words similar to that case you can take the usb stick out and then press enter (I think....I may have the order a bit jumbled) the pc will reboot, and away you go !

First thing to do?...enable the firewall. (ufw....Uncomplicated Firewall)

sudo ufw enable

Check that is turned on

sudo ufw status

you will see something like:
brian@brian-desktop:~$ sudo ufw status
Status: active

No need to do anything ever again, unless you is enabled on system startup, every time.

The guy who wrote this is good ...very good I am not saying to blindly follow, but he is trustworthy.

I am a little bit sceptical of Speed Up your Mint! ....I find LM more than quick enough

An extremely short summary of the best security practice in Linux Mint is this:
  • Use good passwords.
  • Install updates as soon as they become available.
  • Only install software from the official software sources of Linux Mint and Ubuntu.
  • Don't install antivirus (yes, really!).
  • Don't install Windows emulators like Wine.
  • Enable the firewall.
  • Above all: use your common sense.

Antivirus is useless
A virus or rootkit can't install itself in Linux unless you let it. In order to install itself on your computer, a virus or rootkit needs your password. And that it doesn't have.

Or in case it's malware ( a script) that can execute itself in your home directory without password: you'll have to make it executable first. Any script that you download, is not executable: you have to set the executable bit of the script yourself, by hand.
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Hello @Condobloke & @Brickwizard

Thank you for the KeePass references. I did find it in Mint Software Manager first.

Both offerings of KeePassXC (highly reccommended for Mint) that are listed failed.

Not having very much experience, when they failed, instead of trying to correct or clean up I just reimaged the stick and started over... again.

As I had the most resent Bottles Ver 51.15 alrready downloaded I installed (use defaults offered) I went to the KeePass site and downloaded the current exe version KeePass Ver 2.57.1 and on the esumsoft site downloaded Pop Peeper Ver 5.5.3.

I'm on Mint Cinnamon 22.x.x - no changes to the default install, no apps/programs installed. All went well. Pop Peeper suprised me after reading around the internet and comments made by the developers. I've used Pop Peeper (paid version) for a few decades and the current version - of course works on Windows. and at least for me on LinuxMint22.x inside a Bottle. Same for KeePass

Happy camper.

@Condobloke , yup, saw the Install button. Not ready as I beleive I was asked to consider DualBoot or Clean install. I'm moving slowly toward a clean install - especially since all the encouragement to use Rescuezill - Getting pretty comfortable with the stick version LM22

@Brickwizard Live and Persistance Installs. I can see the use of both as I going through this Newbie stage. Going to get a few more sticks and maybe one or two more of the same Mini PC's. Just having more fun than I deserve and I've got the clock ticking on my Christams present.

Thank you for the encouragement to change decades of outdated habits - Bootable stick LinuxMint, Rescuezilla, & Timeshift have really made a difference
Just having more fun than I deserve
If you make or find it fun then your learning curve will not seem so steep, Oh and don't expect to learn everything, with Linux you will be learning till the point you no longer function, After over 20 years, I am still learning,
@Gainer :-

Not trying to get you to abandon what you're obviously now comfortable with, but just FYI.......with regard to distros that run from a USB stick, AND save everything TO that same stick, well; my own "daily driver" - Puppy Linux - has done this from the day it was conceived and the very first build (0.1) was released.......many, many moons ago in June of 2003.

Puppy's founder, Barry Kauler, based that very first Puppy around Klaus Knopper's now-legendary 'Knoppix'; the first Linux 'live' distro available that was specifically built to save all its config changes back to the same media it booted from....first released a few years earlier still, in 2000. Puppy can take this trick one step further; she is - so far as I'm aware - the only distro I know of that could (and still can) save its persistence sessions back to the very same optical disc it's been booted from.

This trick is, of course, becoming less and less relevant, in light of the fact that very few machines even come with a CD/DVD drive these days.

Mike. ;)
Not trying to get you to abandon what you're obviously now comfortable with, but just FYI.......with regard to distros that run from a USB stick, AND save everything TO that same stick, well; my own "daily driver" - Puppy Linux - has done this from the day it was conceived and
Thank you for the information. I've been heading toward LM22 BUT since I am comfortable with bootable sticks to explore and Rescuezilla Restore if I really mess up I'll give Puppy a try - Open to experiencing and learning (and my dog sitting in my lap to me to do it. He told me "Nothing could go wrong with a distro named Puppy" and who knows - nothing written in stone!

What's a CD/DVD? Hey I think I might have found a CD/DVD player... over there leaning against the phone booth - So that's what that is?
An extremely short summary of the best security practice in Linux Mint is this:
  • Use good passwords.
  • Install updates as soon as they become available.
  • Only install software from the official software sources of Linux Mint and Ubuntu.
  • Don't install antivirus (yes, really!).
  • Don't install Windows emulators like Wine.
  • Enable the firewall.
  • Above all: use your common sense.
I like this list of yours. I worked my way through each point so I understood them. My only side-step is regarding no Windows emulators... Did it before I saw the list. Current Bottles worked for me - till I rebooted. HA! :D
@Gainer :-

Well, I don't profess to know it all. After more than a decade with Puppy, despite contributing a ton of stuff to our wee community I still consider myself a noob. With the speed of development, there's always something new to learn in computing, irrespective of your platform of choice.

...and my dog sitting in my lap told me to do it. He told me "Nothing could go wrong with a distro named Puppy" and who knows - nothing written in stone!


Like I said, I'm no expert. But if you DO decide to take a look - and you need some pointers; Puppy CAN take some getting used to, 'cos in some ways she's rather unique even in the Linux world - then I'll do my best to assist IF I can.......and if I can't, then I can very definitely point you in the direction of our Puppy "experts" who most certainly will be able to help you solve any or all of those 101 little "issues" our Pup sometimes throws up.

Can't say fairer than that.

Mike. ;)

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