There's a fly in my house!!!

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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I've been doing a lot of reading trying to figure out things. Every answer leads to even more questions.
I'm sitting here minding my own business, in the privacy of my own home, intensely focused on the screen in front of me...

And then that DAMN FLY, lands on my screen, my hand, my face, my arm! And no! I do not need a shower!

I have my bottle of Mr Clean set on jet spray to shoot the damn thing! Soap is a safer way to kill those little *******'s....A fly swatter is disgusting! Who wants to wipe bug guts off of the table, counter, or wherever you might finally get them. With my bottle of Mr Clean, I don't even have to get up. I call myself the 'fly sniper'. I can hit them from across them room!

But this one damn fly...

He's quick! Before I can grab my bottle he's gone!!! He's driving me crazy, interfering with my Linux mission!


I got him! The bugger landed on my shoulder damn it! I moved very slowly, took quiet aim, BOOM I got him!

Now back to my project!

There better not be any more of those little *#!*ers around here or they'll get it too!

Oh crap! That was my cat's whisker brushing my arm just now! She almost got it too!

If you open a window, they usually feel the draft, & leave......
If you think that fly on your screen was annoying, ask all the viewers who saw its cousin land on Mike Pence. :-)

(No political commentary here, only cheap-shot humor.)
If you think that fly on your screen was annoying, ask all the viewers who saw its cousin land on Mike Pence. :)

(No political commentary here, only cheap-shot humor.)
I didn't get the fly swatter that night! I'm still dissapointed about that one. :-(
If you open a window, they usually feel the draft, & leave......
What part of the world are you in? I've never heard of such a thing. Where I'm from, we keep things closed to keep them out. Or have screens on the windows.

And no, my house is not dirty either.;)
Be careful with the Mr. Clean toward your equipment.
That would be Mr I's problem. He's not my ex yet and I don't consider him my husband. His last name initial will have to do.

I can't tell you how many times I had to fix or save his computer systems and/or accessories.

Over the years he has:

  • Deleted his recovery files because he didn't like them taking up so much space.
  • Sprayed the monitor point blank with window cleaner, while it was on. And doing it just once wasn't enough for him to wise up. He did that several times.
  • Broke the keyboard of his laptop after spraying that too with window cleaner, while it was on. I managed to save all but the "L". If he hadn't banged on it when it wouldn't work, I might have been able to save the entire thing.
  • When he didn't believe security software was actually necessary, I had to fix that problem.
  • And just doing dumb things on the internet, downloading infected audio files, using the same easy-to-guess password for every single account.
  • General carelessness
I was the lucky one who got to straighten out the messes he created for himself!

My stuff lasts because I take care of them. I still have working speakers for my system that I bought back in 2006. I have nicer ones now. But my old ones are pretty good so I kept them. I'm sure I'll use them sooner or later for something!
What part of the world are you in? I've never heard of such a thing. Where I'm from, we keep things closed to keep them out. Or have screens on the windows.

And no, my house is not dirty either.;)
I have lived in many places around the US and the world and every place had screens on the windows.

When we moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, we discovered that our newly built home did not have screens. None of our neighbors had them either. Soon after we moved there, we learned the riddle:

Q: What do they do during the summer in Vancouver?
A: If it comes on a Saturday, they have a picnic.
What part of the world are you in? I've never heard of such a thing. Where I'm from, we keep things closed to keep them out. Or have screens on the windows.

And no, my house is not dirty either.;)
I'm in the UK, SE England, we get loads of flies, because a neighbour doesn't clean up after her dogs regularly enough, but, as I say, we just open a window, & they soon find their way back out, (even wasps & bees too). :)
Well it's better than a large Spider.
We have large hairy tarantula spiders here in California. They are mostly gone from the urban areas, but a few are still around. Where I live in the sprawling suburbs, I see one every few years or so. They are more common in the desert areas.

The tarantulas around here are slow and gentle creatures. You can handle them with care. They do not bite unless provoked, but will crawl slowly on your arm or shirt. I handled lizards and spiders when I was a kid, but have since learned that it is better to leave natural creatures alone.

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