The Document Foundation (TDF) / LibreOffice



I regularly receive a email message of announcements from The Document Foundation about the latest news about LibreOffice.

From the latest message this morning:

The Document Foundation (TDF) is proud to announce its 2014 Annual Report, which can be downloaded from the following link: (3.2 MB PDF, points to The version with HD images can be downloaded from (15.9 MB PDF, points to

TDF Annual Report starts with a Review of 2014, with highlights about TDF and LibreOffice, and a summary of financials and budget.

Community, Projects & Events covers the LibreOffice Conference 2014 in Bern, Certification, Website and QA, Hackfests in Brussels, Gran Canaria, Paris, Boston and Tolouse, Native-Language Projects, Infrastructure, Documentation, Marketing and Design.

Software, Development & Code reports about the activities of the Engineering Steering Committee, LibreOffice Development, the Document Liberation Project and LibreOffice on Android.

The last section focuses on People, starting with Top Contributors, followed by TDF Staff, the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee, the Board of Trustees, or the body of TDF Members, and the Advisory Board.

TDF 2014 Annual Report has been edited by Sophie Gautier, Alexander Werner, Christian Lohmaier, Florian Effenberger, Italo Vignoli and Robinson Tryon, and designed by Barak Paz, with the help of the fantastic LibreOffice community.

To allow the widest distribution of the document, this is released with a CC BY 3.0 DE License, unless otherwise noted, to TDF Members and free software advocates worldwide.
For those currently using any version of OpenOffice, LibreOffiice, considering installing either one, or just curious, I recommend reading this report to see the incredible amount of work The Document Foundation has done since it started in 2010.

To sign up to The Document Founation Announcement List, send an email to: [email protected]