Slow boot after logging in Debian 11 cinnamon


New Member
Aug 15, 2021
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Yesterday i upgraded from Debian 10 cinnamon to the Debian 11 cinnamon and the problem is that i have black screen for at least 30 seconds after i enter user name and password. First i just added debian 11 repos to my sources.list and that way i upgraded my system but since i saw this problem i did fresh install but still problem is there. I tried different desktop enviorments and they don't have any problem like this (so i assumed it is cinnamon bug or something). I disabled NetworkManager-wait-online.service and Cinnamon Settings Daemon - xrandr from startup applications. Nothing works. Cinnamon Version: 4.8.6 Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 960 with proprietary driver (460.91.03)

G'day djuxxxx, Welcome to

I am not of much help to you, however the poeple I list below will undoubtedly have more clues than me.
By listing them they will see this post and may offer help.
Be aware they are scattered all over the world in different time zones.

Be patient. If you make any headway with the problem on your own, please let us know.

@Lord Boltar
I haven’t taken the plunge and updated to Debian 11 just yet.
What is the output of the following command?:
systemd-analyze blame
I too have not yet tried out Debian 11. But the way you describe the problems It sounds like a problem With the Nvidia driver.

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