Set up a Linksys WRT54GS V7.2 Router on desktop computer


Aug 15, 2021
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I would like to know if a linksys wireless router model no. WRT54GS V7.2 can be set up to my desktop computer using linux mint 19.3 xfce? if so, may I get instructions on how to do it please? I have tried myself many times with no luck. If this can even be done. My I get some help please? Thank you very much.

g'day mooseman, Welcome to

Is it possible to connect the PC to the router with a cable first ?.....this will sometimes set the wireless connection in place as well.

I dont know a great deal more than that,,but others will follow. Members come from all over the world, so different time zones play a big part
WRT54GS V7.2
This is getting quite old, first produced in 2010, That being said, provided there are no problems with the router itself, it should work just fine using ethanet [hard-wired connection] the wireless connection will depend on your dongle or built in wireless card, you will need an 802-11G, I doubt it will work with 11n, HOWEVER, I know of several people who have picked these up second hand and they don't work, where a previous owner has tried to flash the firmware and got it wrong
The default IP address of your device is To log in, enter “admin” on the password field and leave the username blank. If you want to set it back to factory defaults press and hold the Reset button at the router’s back panel for 30 seconds then release. Alternatively, use the web-based setup page, go to Administration tab > Factory Defaults sub-tab and click the Restore Factory Defaults button.If you reset back to factory you can then modify the settings to suit your needs
It is a G standard router so it will work slower than an N standard.

"The N standard has a data transmission range from 50 Mbps/s to 144 Mbps/s; the G standard has a data transmission range two to four times less than the N standard." Sorce -

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It is possible to flash this router (I have done it) to e.g. DDR-WRT. This effectively gives you a different system which has some additional capabilities.
Before proceeding to log in to your router’s admin panel using the IP address, ensure that you have the admin username and password handy.

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