PDF editor for Linux?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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Does anyone know of a good PDF editor for Linux?
I have searched several times and tried LibreOffice draw but cannot find one which will do what I want.
I have a template of an invoice which I created and fill in the information and print out. Currently I use a program by Tracker Software called PDF-XChange which is a Windows only program. It allows me to enter text in a 'typewriter' mode and fill in lines of text. Like a 'Form fill' :)
I don't want to edit pictures, drawings, or graphics, just text.
Happy to pay for a program which will work well and do what I need.
It just annoys me to no end that I have to fire up my Windows box in order to fill out my invoices.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

have you tried Adobe Acrobat for Linux ?

have you tried Adobe Acrobat for Linux ?

Thanks for the suggestion. It has been many, many years since I last used Adobe Acrobat and I had completely forgotten about it! It also did not show up in any of my searches for a Linux PDF editor.
I will check it out. Perhaps it will do what I need :)
I am concerned about the version and any security vulnerabilities though. From the article:
Since Adobe no longer supports Linux, you won’t be able to install the latest Adobe Reader in Linux. The last available build is version 9.5.5.
Does anyone know of a good PDF editor for Linux?
I have searched several times and tried LibreOffice draw but cannot find one which will do what I want.
I have a template of an invoice which I created and fill in the information and print out. Currently I use a program by Tracker Software called PDF-XChange which is a Windows only program. It allows me to enter text in a 'typewriter' mode and fill in lines of text. Like a 'Form fill' :)
I don't want to edit pictures, drawings, or graphics, just text.
Happy to pay for a program which will work well and do what I need.
It just annoys me to no end that I have to fire up my Windows box in order to fill out my invoices.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

@Vrai , I am curious what you settled on for a linux pdf editor, and how it is working for you.
Does anyone know of a good PDF editor for Linux?
I have searched several times and tried LibreOffice draw but cannot find one which will do what I want.
I have a template of an invoice which I created and fill in the information and print out. Currently I use a program by Tracker Software called PDF-XChange which is a Windows only program. It allows me to enter text in a 'typewriter' mode and fill in lines of text. Like a 'Form fill' :)
I don't want to edit pictures, drawings, or graphics, just text.
Happy to pay for a program which will work well and do what I need.
It just annoys me to no end that I have to fire up my Windows box in order to fill out my invoices.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

In my opinion the best is MasterPDFEditor, so check if it's presente on your distro's repository. Under Slackware 14.2 it's present. I don't like to manage .pdf file by Libreoffice.
Surprising that masterpdf editor is available in slackware but not in the repository for Linux Mint
I first made its acquaintance in 2014 - 2015, with a wonderful Distro called Uberstudent, now dormant, where it was installed by default.

Good package.

There is a free version and a paid (pro) version. I am not sure if you have to register the free version.

The link @captain-sensible has provided is where to get it from.


MakeTechEasier did an article on it in 2015 and that seems to be still current.


Works on Ubuntu/Mint, centOS/Fedora, and obviously Slackware (forward-thinking on their part).

Ubuntu users may want to install GDebi, for Mint users it is already installed, although you can just as easily install from Terminal with

sudo dpkg -i name-of-package


Of interest....HERE ( Updated on April 1, 2019 apps, pdf )

Quote from that article..
With version version 5, Master PDF Editor has removed some features from its free to use version, like editing or adding text, inserting images, and more - when using such tools, the application adds a big watermark to the PDF document unless users buy the full version (around $83).

Master PDF Editor 4 though, which is free for non-commercial use with no restrictions (at least on Linux, I'm not sure about macOS and Windows), can still be downloaded and works well, even though it's not linked on the application official website.

SO....from the .deb link ( http://code-industry.net/public/master-pdf-editor-4.3.89_qt5.amd64.deb )

...it is simplicity itself to install....but......the program immediately asks if you want to up date......

once you update the above removed features apply.

I would hazard a guess that if you 'register' the same will apply.

So, dont allow it to update....and you will be fine...for a while......until such time as they pull a windows 10 and just annihilate it remotely.

Personally I think there has to be a better choice....this is LINUX, after all....the home of the free....
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Well, that IS interesting :)

The version from the link @captain-sensible has provided with Slackware is v5.4.38 - I wonder if he or @Linpassion can tell us if their version is fully-featured or cut-back?


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