Open source bash script used for gathering Linux server info


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Feb 26, 2024
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I need bash scripts for gathering Linux server information like hardware either software.
Are there such open source scripts?




They aren't really bash scripts. But they could be called by a bash script.
Software info depends on the distro.



They aren't really bash scripts. But they could be called by a bash script.
Software info depends on the distro.
I know the commands, I've used lot of them while making auto-processess previously.
I'm searching for ready-made base scripts.
Conky? May be used to monitor a server across a network with X forwarding. You can also add your own scripts to enhance conky.

Or maybe conkw for viewing across a network? Not sure if just a home lan or wider internet. Not much development going on with this one.
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I'm more with @dos2unix and prefer just to see results of specific commands, as needed. But if you have an itch for scripts... scratch it, and create them with exactly the outputs you desire to see. Other folks might like your vision too. Good luck!
I have experience with creating such scripts but it was intended for monitoring things like get Nginx RPS queries and more. And then such generated CMDs have been used in intra-corporate monitoring system.

For now my goal is such scripts for guys who are creating server documentation: they describe all of hardware and all of software for admins who use the docs for firefighting.

So I mean sources able to describe web servers, databases, orchestration systems etc

I'll look into that script and other sources posted here by f33dm3bits tomorrow.
I already wrote one to gather the details of the system but I can modify it if you can give me the details.
you want to look at monitoring systems i think. this work has been done for you MANY times already.

all of them have scripts and programs designed to gather vast amounts of information on linux.

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