Old vs new Linux


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
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Just curious ... how many still use the "old" linux commands to do certain things.

chkconfig vs systemctl
ifup, ifdown vs nmcli conn up, nmcli conn down
iptables vs firewall-cmd or ufw
docker vs podman
ifconfig vs ip addr

there are more... but these are the most commonly used ones I think.
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I generally use whatever is current and in use by the distro I am using.
Dedoimedo likes to rant on occasion regarding the "new" versus "old" way of doing things in Linux.
I'm not experienced enough to form an opinion - although some things do seem to be a little easier these days :)
I use the old ways which is what I learned in the beginning and find no reason to change.

I have no problems using the command terminal and sometimes for some things it's the best / only way.

Several different ways from start to finish with the same end result so use what you are most comfortable with.
I still use old cmd's to get a number of things done.

ls -la
ls dir
rm -r and many others.
well first release of slackware was 1993, i still get desktop up using $ startx is that old enough for you ?
A command is something you type into a terminal and the input gets acted upon. A slackbuild script is a way of saving commands in a saveable file format.

I just started writing about a slackbuild https://docs.slackware.com/howtos:misc:anatomy_of_a_slackbuild does that make me a historian or some sort of Linux Biblical scriber?

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