New Hardware

I am sitting here using the pi4, while the lab computer, running Slackware of course, is downloading the files I need to get this beast up and running with slackware. I discovered, to my dismay, that they don't have 14.2 setup for the Pi 4, and don't have any intention of doing so. Sooo, I guess it will be Slackware current. I have the 32gig micro sd made, with the loader, and am in the process of downloading the needed files to a USB stick. It is taking a while to download. More to follow.;)

The more I explore the Raspberry pi, the more I like it. A perfect example is the Raspian operating system. I was exploring it to find the software updater. There is none, because you update it from the command line, similar to updating slackware:cool: using the following 2 commands:

sudo apt -y update

sudo apt -y upgrade

The ethernet switch on my desk was flashing like crazy for 7 minutes 4 seconds as it fetched 821MB of updates. Now we will see how long it takes to install it all.
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Ya know, I've been having so much fun with this thing running Raspian Buster, that I haven't gotten around to trying Slack on it. I've tried overclocking it, and reading EVERY Magpi and Hackspace magazine. That has been very educational, and fun too. Up to this time, when embedding a Processor in a machine to expand functionality, I have used the Basic stamp family. If I need to do it again, I may try the Pi 4, since I can use the GPIO pins. This could be interesting, but I will need to wait a few more weeks, due to the current pandemic. Hope all are well during this trying time. I am waiting it out, working from home. :)

Happy Trails
14.2 is three years old even one of the core slackware team describe 14.2 as "stale" go for current
This seemed like the best place to ask,
anyone have some recommended reading for raspberry pi or arduino weather station setup ? Trying to wrap my head around how to construct and how the sensor modules incorporate.
Complete noob on this front
I have now. Thank you kindly.
You may also want to check out Magpi and Hackspace magazines. Both are available for free download. They have many projects in them for the Pi.

Happy Trails,
I did find the Magpi, and have been working on digesting that info. Hackspace I had not. Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Much obliged.
I did find the Magpi, and have been working on digesting that info. Hackspace I had not. Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Much obliged.
It may take a while, but it is well worth it, mate. Have fun!:)

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