Network adapter not detected anymore

I have two systems ( including the one I'm typing this on now ) with Intel AX200 chips in them.
Linux and Intel network cards usually play together well.

I'm also running fedora38.

The worst thing in that story is that some of my friends actually mocked me saying its because of Linux. So I just installed Windows and struggled just as much for no result after 3 hours of debug. At least I proved him wrong. Switching back to Linux asap.
I came across this, it's worth a try?
MEDIATEK Corp. Device [14c3:0608]
This specific has recently been added to the aliases of the driver mt7921e. Reference:
Until this patch reaches a standard Ubuntu kernel, we may, as you've proven, add the with a udev action. From the terminal:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/mt7921e.conf

Add a single line to this new file:
alias pci:v000014C3d00000608sv*sd*bc*sc*i* mt7921e

Proofread carefully. Save (Ctrl+o followed by Enter) and exit (Ctrl+x followed by Enter) the text editor nano.
Next, do:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-mt7921e.rules

Add a single line:
SUBSYSTEM=="drivers", DEVPATH=="/bus/pci/drivers/mt7921e", ATTR{new_id}="14c3 0608"

Proofread carefully, save and exit as above.
Your wireless should now work as expected. To confirm, please test with a reboot.
Do you have secure-boot enabled in the bios/uefi, if it's turned try disabling secure boot? Also the issue I mentioned earlier I found that this worked for them.
Following this suggestion, I powered off the laptop (instead of rebooting it) and unplugged the power cable for a few minutes. Then the Wi-Fi adapter magically appeared.
If this is a hardware issue that can't be solved with the drivers, please close my issue.
And I found this in an older post.
I am not on linux but I spent hours on this problem on a brand new Asus gaming laptop and I wish I could credit the original poster but it was a video that led me to this solution:

Hold down the power button for a full 60 seconds and it resets your bluetooth and wifi then restart. Completely fixed the issue for me.

Don'tcha hate when it turns out to be so easy?
Yeah as I mentioned to Brick wizard this solution is specific to laptops :(
Have you looked for a similar capability on your desktop computer or its motherboard? A small hidden reset button that needs a paper clip to push, jumper pads, a special setup menu, something like that?

What about unplugging the computer and removing the battery from the motherboard, then waiting a few hours?

Is there a momentary switch on the PC somewhere, like a hard-reset switch? If so, some circuit cards will do a reset if you are actively depressing the switch while you connect the power cord. If there are two switches, try one, try the other, try both together.

I dunno, stuff like that. You get the idea.

Ol' timers have seen many tricks like that.
-> The best source is the documentation for your computer or motherboard, of course.
Have you looked for a similar capability on your desktop computer or its motherboard? A small hidden reset button that needs a paper clip to push, jumper pads, a special setup menu, something like that?

What about unplugging the computer and removing the battery from the motherboard, then waiting a few hours?

Is there a momentary switch on the PC somewhere, like a hard-reset switch? If so, some circuit cards will do a reset if you are actively depressing the switch while you connect the power cord. If there are two switches, try one, try the other, try both together.

I dunno, stuff like that. You get the idea.

Ol' timers have seen many tricks like that.
-> The best source is the documentation for your computer or motherboard, of course.
I'll check my Mobo manual to see if anything like that exists! I could try to unplug the PSU for a few hours and see if it could help.
Thx for these new ideas!
Have you looked for a similar capability on your desktop computer or its motherboard? A small hidden reset button that needs a paper clip to push, jumper pads, a special setup menu, something like that?
Good one! Unplug the system, take out the CMOS battery(here's the manual) for a minute and hold in the power button for a minute to discharge your system, then put it back in and power on your system again. And you could also try and flash the most recent bios/uefi to your system if it doesn't already have it.
Good one! Unplug the system, take out the CMOS battery(here's the manual) for a minute and hold in the power button for a minute to discharge your system, then put it back in and power on your system again. And you could also try and flash the most recent bios/uefi to your system if it doesn't already have it.
Dang what? I switched off the PSU for the night and I just switched on my computer today and now it works?!?! Is this sorcery?
Does anyone have an explanation? Bc I'm currently dumbstruck.
It's a desktop system right, do you normally turn of your system at night or keep it running?
System is turned off at night but not the PSU, so the mobo is still supplied in power all night
It probably reset your network adapter than when it was powered all the way off.
What do you actually mean by keeping the psu on at night?
If you are talking of a laptop external power supply, then it is advisable NOT to have them on power when not in use [same applies to phone chargers] they are not designed to be continuously powered,
oh and when you do a full reboot [turn off then on] the grub loader will check and install hardware drivers the hardware drivers before the OS in case of any changes that may have been made
What do you actually mean by keeping the psu on at night?
I mean that the system is not running, fans are off but the PSU is on the "switched on" position. I guessthere is still some power running through the mobo.

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