Multi-language input and study and security


New Member
Oct 6, 2020
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Greetings to all fellow mega-nerds

I was curious what is being developed for multi-language inputs in Linux systems and how much security is a consideration.

Like roughly half of the world I am able to speak a second language and was curious about alternative language inputs in Linux.

As far as I can tell it required installing additional modules repositories and so on into your OS but they don't seem to have done much about the potential security risks... I know IN THEORY you are not able to easily execute code without the password but that's not really as difficult as many would think with the "password recovery" code or "new password" commands that .......... for better AND worse are not difficult to use.......

Of course, like most operating systems you can install the language codex and assorted required fonts/repositories and type or read whatever but so can any potential intruder. Most secondary language input systems automatically include compatibility with the assorted programs and code common with the version of your OS in that region of the world which opens the back-door......or....window(s) pun(s) intended..... to hackers.

I have family overseas and I am often attacked online is there anyone that is developing or has developed a STABLE stand-alone secure module similar to the Russian-designed maytroska file system for programs used by Linux based OS?

I know the "snap" program system is SIMILAR but not quite the same since it could be described as "living out of a suitcase" in a hotel room". MOST of it is safely organized and isolated into one area but it is NOT isolated from the rest of the operating system per-say (or in this analogy the hotel staff cleaning the room when you went to get lunch).

because the "snap" system is not quite isolated but not quite installed like "conventional" program installations .... I think someone should design a "security minded" version of linux where all programs are isolated with "everything in it's box" that does NOT talk to each other without explicit direction/command.

create a simple framework or "shell" of an operating system with a desktop environment of your choice and have all programs "in their own isolated sandbox".

on a related note I was also disappointed that even though Linux OS in it's most crude text-based form (command prompt for the extra nerdy here) has been around since the early 70's that there are not many good language study options out there that are well designed and run on linux OS.

I am a EX-windows user .......but left windows behind when windows 7 started getting even WORSE and Microsoft went from polite prompts REQUESTING that you update....... to hijacking your computer and FORCING their will on your computer...........I only really miss one program that STILL does not work on Linux systems even with wine called "WENLIN" (for those interested in learning Mandarin Chinese and have a mac/windows system)

the company that makes it allows you to "compile" the program yourself after paying for it and an extra fee for the source code but I don't know how to do this and don't have the desire to go through the headache.

wine makes the program work only about 60% functionality and non-stop bugs

does anyone know any Chinese or Japanese learning software that is linux friendly?

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