Mouse and Keyboard Settings in LM 21.1 Cinnamon SOLVED


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2019
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Since hooking up the new Gigabyte Gaming monitor a few days ago Linux Mint 21.1 looks great!

I'm not sure if this is a bug but it's starting to have show some of the evidence that it could be.
Going into the settings for the mouse and keyboard and trying to adjust the pointer size and speed fails to function for me.

Launching the konsole/terminal and running the below cmd has no effect for some reason as well.
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 54

Anyone having this issue too?
Enlighten me, please:-

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Does it change when going to System Settings/Appearance/Workspace Theme/Cursor Theme - then change the size there?
Does it change when going to System Settings/Appearance/Workspace Theme/Cursor Theme - then change the size there?
I have Workspace but not Workspace Theme-
Hit menu...type in on mouse and touchpad..

you will find pointer size and speed there

is this where you have already been ?
There is a kernel update today to 5.15.0-67 ....which may help is there has been no rsponse there
My bad - told you wrong place to look - Preferences => Mouse & Touchpad

In Xfce it is Settings=>Mouse&Touchpad then try to change the size
G'day Alex

What cursor theme are you using? Is the Mint's new Bibata or other, eg Adwaita and so on? Always a good idea to check Show Pointer with a screenshot, then we can see.

Do you like it larger than the default?

54 is not a standard size it usually goes in 8's eg 48, 56. 64, 72 if they are supported.

I'll swing back tomorrow.

Hit menu...type in on mouse and touchpad..

you will find pointer size and speed there

is this where you have already been ?
There is a kernel update today to 5.15.0-67 ....which may help is there has been no rsponse there
Yes, it's where I have already been:-
Applied the update and rebooted. Nothing changed, mouse pointer is still hard to see.
G'day Alex

What cursor theme are you using? Is the Mint's new Bibata or other, eg Adwaita and so on? Always a good idea to check Show Pointer with a screenshot, then we can see.

Do you like it larger than the default?

54 is not a standard size it usually goes in 8's eg 48, 56. 64, 72 if they are supported.

I'll swing back tomorrow.

The cursor theme I'm using is called ArchTrix. I installed a while back.
All of the other options for the mouse pointer are mammoth when I select them.
Yes, larger is better for my vision. The default is too small.

The odd thing about this is that the mouse pointer on the Debian 10 Mate and Slackware 15 XFCE/KDE installs are the proper size.

Anyone know if this is a bug in Mint?
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I tried adding this variable to the .profile in my /home directory.

Logged out and back in again. Still no dice!

Maybe I'll try later the same string in the .xinitrc and see if that works.
Dunno if this will work for you but on this machine running X, the pointer cursor size is controlled by this config in the ~/.Xdefaults file:
Xcursor.size: 32
Dunno if this will work for you but on this machine running X, the pointer cursor size is controlled by this config in the ~/.Xdefaults file:
Xcursor.size: 32
That hidden file, .Xdefaults doesn't exit on my LM 21.1 Cinnamon system.
When I used cat to find it I got: no such file or directory.
That hidden file, .Xdefaults doesn't exit on my LM 21.1 Cinnamon system.
When I used cat to find it I got: no such file or directory.
You can create it and write the config into it. If it doesn't work then it can be removed. X will read it on start up if it exists. Mine has a lot of other stuff in it too, but there's no stipulation or limit on its size.
You can create it. If it doesn't work then it can be removed.
Yup, agreed.
Making a pizza right now.
Be back in a few-

Created that file in nano. Logged out and back in again. No joy:-
Any idea osprey where the configuration file for the mouse is on Mint?
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You can create it and write the config into it. If it doesn't work then it can be removed. X will read it on start up if it exists. Mine has a lot of other stuff in it too, but there's no stipulation or limit on
Frustrating....anyway it could be worse.
Looked in the root fs for /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc and it doesn't exit on Mint.
That file works with added variable to it with XFCE and KDE on Slackware.

I'm not sure if this will work if I create that file for Mint or not?
Running out of ideas here--
You could switch over to MATE. I'm running Mint 21.1 MATE. No problem changing the pointer size. I also have problems with vision.
Kernel is 5.15.0-67-generic x86_64
{Just kidding on the switch}.

Screenshot at 2023-03-05 18-41-44.png
Running out of ideas here--

I ain't

Did you save me a slice of pizza?

If you exhaust the options offered above and they bear no fruit, you could give me the output of (no need for sudo, and you can just Enter to exit it)

update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

Subject to that I will likely have another step for you.

If you remember where you got ArchTrix from, I can put it on my Vera Cinnamon and experiment and come back here.

I ain't

Did you save me a slice of pizza?

If you exhaust the options offered above and they bear no fruit, you could give me the output of (no need for sudo, and you can just Enter to exit it)

update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

Subject to that I will likely have another step for you.

If you remember where you got ArchTrix from, I can put it on my Vera Cinnamon and experiment and come back here.

Alex:  update-alteupdate-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
There are 13 choices for the alternative x-cursor-theme (providing /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme).

  Selection    Path                                                   Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/share/icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursor.theme     110       auto mode
  1            /etc/X11/cursors/Breeze_Snow.theme                      41        manual mode
  2            /etc/X11/cursors/breeze_cursors.theme                   102       manual mode
  3            /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursor.theme                   90        manual mode
  4            /usr/share/icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursor.theme     110       manual mode
  5            /usr/share/icons/Bibata-Modern-Ice/cursor.theme         105       manual mode
  6            /usr/share/icons/Bibata-Original-Classic/cursor.theme   105       manual mode
  7            /usr/share/icons/Bibata-Original-Ice/cursor.theme       105       manual mode
  8            /usr/share/icons/DMZ-Black/cursor.theme                 30        manual mode
  9            /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme                 100       manual mode
  10           /usr/share/icons/GoogleDot-Black/cursor.theme           105       manual mode
  11           /usr/share/icons/GoogleDot-White/cursor.theme           105       manual mode
  12           /usr/share/icons/XCursor-Pro-Dark/cursor.theme          105       manual mode
  13           /usr/share/icons/XCursor-Pro-Light/cursor.theme         105       manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

Here's the link to the cursor:
It's the ArchTrix.tar.gz package


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